
时间:2020-09-14 01:56:56

标签: sqlite discord discord.py discord.py-rewrite


    async def prefix_cmd(self, ctx, *, prefix=None):
        if prefix is None:
            async with connect('dumbo.db') as db:
                prefix_db = await db.execute(f"SELECT Prefix FROM guilds WHERE GuildID = {ctx.guild.id}")
                server_prefix = await prefix_db.fetchone()
            await ctx.send(f"{emotrue} This server prefix is: `{server_prefix[0]}`.")
            for spaced in alphabet:
                if spaced in prefix.lower():
                    new_prefix = f'{prefix} '
            async with connect('dumbo.db') as db:
                await db.execute(f"UPDATE guilds SET Prefix = ? WHERE GuildID = ?", (f'{new_prefix}', ctx.guild.id))
                await db.commit()
            await ctx.send(f"{emotrue} This server prefix is now updated to `{prefix}`.")```

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


如果您在命令或else语句的开头执行new_prefix = '',它将解决错误