我正在尝试连接到Microsoft Dynamics 365-现场服务。
"""Configuration settings for running the Python auth samples locally.
In a production deployment, this information should be saved in a database or
other secure storage mechanism.
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
CLIENT_ID = os.environ["dynamics365_field_service_application_client_id"]
CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["dynamics365_field_service_client_secrets"]
REDIRECT_URI = os.environ["dynamics365_field_service_redirect_path"]
# AUTHORITY_URL ending determines type of account that can be authenticated:
# /organizations = organizational accounts only
# /consumers = MSAs only (Microsoft Accounts - Live.com, Hotmail.com, etc.)
# /common = allow both types of accounts
AUTHORITY_URL = os.environ["dynamics365_field_service_authority"]
AUTHORIZATION_BASE_URL = os.environ["dynamics365_field_service_authorization_base_url"]
TOKEN_URL = os.environ["dynamics365_field_service_token_url"]
AUTH_ENDPOINT = "/oauth2/v2.0/authorize"
RESOURCE = "https://graph.microsoft.com/"
API_VERSION = os.environ["dynamics365_field_service_version"]
# "https://dynamics.microsoft.com/business-central/overview/user_impersonation",
# "https://graph.microsoft.com/email",
# "https://graph.microsoft.com/offline_access",
# "https://graph.microsoft.com/openid",
# "https://graph.microsoft.com/profile",
# "https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read",
# "https://graph.microsoft.com/User.ReadBasic.All"
# ] # Add other scopes/permissions as needed.
# *-* coding:utf-8 *-*
# See https://requests-oauthlib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
from flask import Flask, request, redirect, session, url_for
from flask.json import jsonify
import os
import flaskr.library.dynamics365.field_service.config as config
app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = os.urandom(24)
# This information is obtained upon registration of a new dynamics
# client_id = "<your client key>"
# client_secret = "<your client secret>"
# authorization_base_url = 'https://dynamics.com/login/oauth/authorize'
# token_url = 'https://dynamics.com/login/oauth/access_token'
def index():
"""Step 1: User Authorization.
Redirect the user/resource owner to the OAuth provider (i.e. dynamics)
using an URL with a few key OAuth parameters.
dynamics = OAuth2Session(
config.CLIENT_ID, scope=config.SCOPES, redirect_uri=config.REDIRECT_URI
authorization_url, state = dynamics.authorization_url(config.AUTHORIZATION_BASE_URL)
# State is used to prevent CSRF, keep this for later.
session["oauth_state"] = state
print(f"Please go here and authorize : {authorization_url}")
return redirect(authorization_url)
# Step 2: User authorization, this happens on the provider.
@app.route("/login/authorized", methods=["GET"]) # callback
def callback():
""" Step 3: Retrieving an access token.
The user has been redirected back from the provider to your registered
callback URL. With this redirection comes an authorization code included
in the redirect URL. We will use that to obtain an access token.
if session.get("oauth_state") is None:
return redirect(url_for(".index"))
dynamics = OAuth2Session(
config.CLIENT_ID, state=session["oauth_state"], redirect_uri=config.REDIRECT_URI
token = dynamics.fetch_token(
print(f"token: {token}")
# At this point you can fetch protected resources but lets save
# the token and show how this is done from a persisted token
# in /profile.
session["oauth_token"] = token
# return redirect(url_for(".dynamics_get_accounts_postman"))
return redirect(url_for(".dynamics_get_accounts"))
@app.route("/profile", methods=["GET"])
def profile():
"""Fetching a protected resource using an OAuth 2 token.
dynamics = OAuth2Session(config.CLIENT_ID, token=session["oauth_token"])
return jsonify(dynamics.get("https://api.dynamics.com/user").json())
def dynamics_get_accounts():
if session.get("oauth_token") is None:
return redirect(url_for(".index"))
dynamics = OAuth2Session(
# token="Bearer " + session["oauth_token"]["access_token"]
result = dynamics.get("https://{env_name}.{region}.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.0")
if result.status_code != 200:
result = {"status code": result.status_code, "reason": result.reason}
result = result.json()
result = jsonify(result)
return result
import requests
def dynamics_get_accounts_postman():
if session.get("oauth_token") is None:
return redirect(url_for(".index"))
url = "https://{env_name}.{region}.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.0/accounts"
payload = {}
headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"OData-MaxVersion": "4.0",
"OData-Version": "4.0",
"If-None-Match": "null",
"Authorization": f'Bearer {session["oauth_token"]["access_token"]}',
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
result = response.text.encode("utf8")
print(f"result : {result}")
return jsonify(result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# This allows us to use a plain HTTP callback
os.environ["DEBUG"] = "1"
app.secret_key = os.urandom(24)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
authorization_url, state = dynamics.authorization_url(
config.AUTHORIZATION_BASE_URL + f"?resource={config.DYNAMICS365_CRM_ORG}"