
时间:2020-09-07 16:46:13

标签: javascript node.js database mongodb mongoose


      function main(message){
        // So first user sends a message to store some data about him
        let author = message.author //this is discord.js syntax, basically it returns the author of a message
        let id = author.id //also discord.js syntax, returns the id from the user, in this case the author variable above
       let check = logUser.findOne({userId : [id]}).exec().then(res => {
            if (res) return true;
            else return false;
        })} // So if there is a Document with the id of the author of the message it will return true, else it returns false

        if (check === true) return console.log("This User has already a Document with his info saved"); 
//so if the user has already a Document with his info it will return and stop the action of saving his Data
//everything from this point is basic Mongoose Syntax, to make a Document with User data
        const theUser = new logUser({
            _id : mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
            userName : author.username,
            userId : author.id,
            currency : 0

        .then(result => console.log(result))
        .catch(err => console.log(err))

        console.log(`User ${author.username} was stored into the database!`)

在if语句中失败,该语句检查用户是否已经拥有带有其信息的Document。我已经尝试了多种方法,但是没有用。 我认为该问题的解决方案与异步功能有关,但我不确定,而且我对异步过程了解的不多。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  function main(message){
    // So first user sends a message to store some data about him
    let author = message.author //this is discord.js syntax, basically it returns the author of a message
    let id = author.id //also discord.js syntax, returns the id from the user, in this case the author variable above
    logUser.findOne({userId : [id]}).exec().then(res => {
      let check = Boolean(res);
      if (check === true)
        return console.log("This User has already a Document with his info saved");

      const theUser = new logUser({
        _id : mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
        userName : author.username,
        userId : author.id,
        currency : 0

        .then(result => {
          console.log(`User ${author.username} was stored into the database!`)
        .catch(err => console.log(err))

您是否有意将ID包裹在数组中?我不知道您的架构,但看起来很奇怪,可能会助您一臂之力。 userId : [id]


https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/await https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/index-unique/