在模板中{%url%}调用之后,Django 2添加URL参数

时间:2020-09-07 10:18:18

标签: django django-request

无需修改urls.py,我想在模板中的{%url%}调用末尾手动添加URL参数。 然后,在我看来,我想访问该查询参数的值。如果lang ='fr',则打开法语模板;如果lang ='en',则打开英语模板。 这是我的代码: urls.py

urlpatterns = [
path('<int:topic_id>/', views.tutorials, name='tutorials'),
path('<int:topic_id>/<int:tutorial_id>/', views.topic_tutorial, name='topic_tutorial'),
path('<int:topic_id>/<int:tutorial_id>/<slug:slug>/', views.topic_tutorial, name='topic_tutorial_keywords'),



def topic_tutorial(request, topic_id, tutorial_id, slug=None):
"""Show specific Tutorial by topic"""
# NOTE: nothing is returned 
if (request.GET.get('lang')):
    lang = request.GET.get('lang')

topics = Topic.objects.all()
tutorial = Tutorial.objects.get(topic__id=topic_id, id=tutorial_id)

if request.path != tutorial.get_absolute_url():
    return redirect(tutorial, permanent=True)
# renaming topic to avoid spaces
name = tutorial.topic.text.lower()
if (' ' in name):
    name = "_".join( name.split() )

# renaming tutorial to avoid spaces
tut_name = tutorial.text.lower()
if (' ' in tut_name):
    tut_name = "_".join( tut_name.split() )

# lang always empty
if (lang == 'fr'):
    file = name + "-" + tut_name + "_fr.html"
    file = name + "-" + tut_name + ".html"

path = 'tutorials/' + file
context = {'tutorial': tutorial,'topics': topics,'file':file}
return render(request, path, context)


<div class="card-body">
          <h5 class="card-title">{{ tut.text }}</h5>
          <p class="card-text">{{ tut.summary }}</p>
          <p class="card-text">
            <a href="{% url 'topic_tutorial' tut.topic.id tut.id %}?lang=en">English</a> | 
            <a href="{% url 'topic_tutorial' tut.topic.id tut.id %}?lang=fr">French</a></p>

给我的印象是,我不必在视图定义中添加另一个参数即可访问添加的查询参数“?lang = fr”。但是,什么都没有通过。


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path('<int:topic_id>/<int:tutorial_id>', views.topic_tutorial, name='topic_tutorial'),