当我使用平均堆栈练习一些基本的操作时,我创建了一个名为“ test”的数据库,并在“ videos”集合中,后来我开始学习Cosmos DB,在其中创建了数据库“ cosmos-db-demo”我可以将我的应用程序连接到cosmos DB,但是我很惊讶地看到,当我执行后期操作时,数据被插入到test> collections ...中,而不是cosmos-db-demo>视频收集。该数据库是如何插入的? 记录不应该插入我连接的记录吗?
mongoose.connect('mongodb:// cosmos-db-acc:.... @ cosmos-db-acc.mongo.cosmos.azure.com:10255 /?ssl = true&replicaSet = globaldb&retrywrites = false&maxIdleTimeMS = 120000&appName = @ cosmos-db-acc @')。then(()=> {console.log('已连接到cosmos DB');})。catch((err)=> {console.log(err)}); < / p>
答案 0 :(得分:1)
关于此问题,我们无法在应用程序中定义数据库名称和连接名称,以告知应用程序连接哪个数据库和连接。关于实现方法,请在连接字符串中添加数据库名称,并在模型中添加{ collection: "<connection name>" }
文件COSMODDB_USER = "<Azure Cosmos account's user name, usually the database account name>"
COSMOSDB_PASSWORD = "<Azure Cosmos account password, this is one of the keys specified in your account>"
COSMOSDB_HOST= "<Azure Cosmos Host name>"
var mongoose = require("mongoose");
var env = require("dotenv").config();
"mongodb://" +
process.env.COSMOSDB_HOST +
":" +
process.env.COSMOSDB_PORT +
"/" +
"User" + // tell the application to connect which databse
auth: {
user: process.env.COSMODDB_USER,
password: process.env.COSMOSDB_PASSWORD,
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
retryWrites: false,
.then(() => console.log("Connection to CosmosDB successful"))
.catch((err) => console.error(err));
// define model
const Family = mongoose.model(
new mongoose.Schema(
lastName: String,
parents: [
familyName: String,
firstName: String,
gender: String,
children: [
familyName: String,
firstName: String,
gender: String,
grade: Number,
pets: [
givenName: String,
address: {
country: String,
state: String,
city: String,
{ collection: "Familay" }, // tell the application to connect which connection
const family = new Family({
lastName: "Volum",
parents: [{ firstName: "Thomas" }, { firstName: "Mary Kay" }],
children: [
{ firstName: "Ryan", gender: "male", grade: 8 },
{ firstName: "Patrick", gender: "male", grade: 7 },
pets: [{ givenName: "Buddy" }],
address: { country: "USA", state: "WA", city: "Seattle" },
family.save((err, saveFamily) => {