Vuetify v-alert尝试在方法值返回true时呈现

时间:2020-09-02 10:22:03

标签: vue.js vuetify.js nuxtjs



             <v-row style="margin:0px;">
          <template v-if="isTestBusy()">
                            <v-alert type="info" color="#fb8c00" style="font-size: 14px;">
                              test initiated, waiting for test results
    mounted () {

  this.pingTimer = setInterval(async function () {
      that.pendingTests = await new Promise(function (resolve) {
        resolve(utils.getPendingTests(that.accountnumber, that.testType))
    var arrayLength = that.pendingTests.Table1.length;
          for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
            if (that.pendingTests.Table1[i].DiaType === that.pgType) {
        }, 5000)
    methods : {
       isTestBusy(cpe) {
          try {
            let tmp = this.pendingTests.Table1
           // console.log(tmp)
            let retVal = tmp.find(x => x.CPEId === cpe && x.DiaType === this.pgType).Step2ResponseCode
            let retValRes = tmp.find(x => x.CPEId === cpe && x.DiaType === this.pgType).Step4Result
            if (retVal === 0) {
              return true
            if ((retVal === 200) && (retValRes === '')) {
              return true
            return false
          } catch (error) {
            return false


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

v-alert具有其自己的value属性,您无需使用templatev-if。 试试这个:

<v-alert type="info" color="#fb8c00" style="font-size: 14px;" :value="isTestBusy()" transition="scale-transition">
      test initiated, waiting for test results

还需要调用您的方法。最好是使用watch:并在表发生变化时调用方法,并在data()内创建一个布尔变量,然后将方法的返回值放入其中,并使警报的value属性即可使用。 (Vue将对data内部定义的变量的更改做出反应)。 这样做:

<v-alert type="info" color="#fb8c00" style="font-size: 14px;" :value="busy" transition="scale-transition">
      test initiated, waiting for test results

data() {
busy: false,

watch: {
  pendingTests: {
     deep: true,
     handler: function(val) {
        //put some if here to match your situation and then  call your method like:
        this.busy = this.isTestBusy(yourParams)   

methods : {
       isTestBusy(cpe) {
          try {
            let tmp = this.pendingTests.Table1
           // console.log(tmp)
            let retVal = tmp.find(x => x.CPEId === cpe && x.DiaType === this.pgType).Step2ResponseCode
            let retValRes = tmp.find(x => x.CPEId === cpe && x.DiaType === this.pgType).Step4Result
            if (retVal === 0) {
              return true
            if ((retVal === 200) && (retValRes === '')) {
              return true
            return false
          } catch (error) {
            return false


答案 1 :(得分:0)


    <v-alert type="info" color="#fb8c00" style="font-size: 14px;" v-if="isTestBusy" transition="scale-transition">
                      test initiated, waiting for test results
                data () {
                 return {
                   isTestBusy: false
                    mounted () {
                  this.pingTimer = setInterval(async function () {
                      that.pendingTests = await new Promise(function (resolve) {
                        resolve(utils.getPendingTests(that.accountnumber, that.testType))
                    var arrayLength = that.pendingTests.Table1.length;
                          for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
                            if (that.pendingTests.Table1[i].DiaType === that.pgType) {
                        }, 5000)
methods : {
 isTestBusy(cpe) {
   try {
    let tmp = this.pendingTests.Table1
    // console.log(tmp)
let retVal = tmp.find(x => x.CPEId === cpe && x.DiaType === this.pgType).Step2ResponseCode
         let retValRes = tmp.find(x => x.CPEId === cpe && x.DiaType === this.pgType).Step4Result
                  if (retVal === 0) {
                  this.busyPingTest = true
                   return true
                  if ((retVal === 200) && (retValRes === '')) {
                  this.busyPingTest = faslse
                  return true
                  return false
                   } catch (error) {
                  return false