
时间:2020-09-01 19:26:46

标签: vb.net vb.net-2010


Private Sub VieReportButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles rptViewbtn.Click
   Dim rds As New ReportDataSource("DataSet1", spGLstatementBindingSource)
   rvControl.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Beans.GLstatement.rdlc"
   Dim command As New SqlCommand("Execute spGLstatementInfo '" & prm2.Text & "', '" & prm1.SelectedValue & "' ", connection)
   Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(command)
   Dim table As New DataTable
   Dim acName As New ReportParameter("GLName", table.Rows(0)(0).ToString)
   Dim acNameTxt As New ReportParameter("GLNameTxt", rptAcName)
   Dim acNumber As New ReportParameter("GLNumber", table.Rows(0)(1).ToString())
   Dim acNumberTxt As New ReportParameter("GLNumberTxt", rptAcNo)
   Dim acCategory As New ReportParameter("GLCategory", table.Rows(0)(2).ToString())
   Dim acCategoryTxt As New ReportParameter("GLCategoryTxt", rptAcCategory)
   Dim acCcy As New ReportParameter("GLCurrency", table.Rows(0)(3).ToString())
   Dim acCcyTxt As New ReportParameter("GLCurrencyTxt", rptAcCcy)
   Dim acStatus As New ReportParameter("GLStatus", table.Rows(0)(4).ToString())
   Dim acStatusTxt As New ReportParameter("GLStatusTxt", rptAcStatus)
   Dim acBal As New ReportParameter("GLBalance", table.Rows(0)(5).ToString())
   Dim acBalTxt As New ReportParameter("GLBalanceTxt", rptAcCurrentBalance)
   Dim user As New ReportParameter("UserID", UserID)
   Dim userTxt As New ReportParameter("UserIDTxt", rptUserID)
   Dim AccStm As New ReportParameter("ReportName", GlAccStatement)
   Dim coName As New ReportParameter("comName", ComName)
   Dim glStmRef As New ReportParameter("GLStmRef", rptRef)
   Dim glStmDate As New ReportParameter("GLStmDate", rptDate)
   Dim glStmNarration As New ReportParameter("GLStmNarration", rptNarration)
   Dim glStmDebit As New ReportParameter("GLStmDebit", rptDebit)
   Dim glStmCredit As New ReportParameter("GLStmCredit", rptCredit)
   Dim glStmBalance As New ReportParameter("GLStmBalance", rptBalance)
   Dim glStmDateTime As New ReportParameter("GLStmRptDateTime", ReportDateTime)
   Me.rvControl.LocalReport.SetParameters(New ReportParameter() {acName, acNameTxt, acNumber, acNumberTxt, acCategory, acCategoryTxt, acCcy, acCcyTxt, acStatus, acStatusTxt, acBal, acBalTxt, user, userTxt,
                                               AccStm, coName, glStmRef, glStmDate, glStmNarration, glStmDebit, glStmCredit, glStmBalance, glStmDateTime})
   Me.spGLstatementTableAdapter.Fill(Me.beansDataSet.spGLstatement, prm2.Text, prm1.SelectedValue, rptPrmFromDate.Value, rptPrmToDate.Value)
   Me.rvControl.ZoomMode = ZoomMode.FullPage
Catch ex As Exception
   MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "GL Statement")
End Try


This screenshot is normal to view and after this, I zoom in the report to 200 % and close the from

And this screenshot shows the second commit to view a report that I am not able to scroll up


Me.rvControl.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = Nothing

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