File "C:\JPYTHONNEO\pom.py", line 56, in __getitem__
raise KeyError(path)
KeyError: 'project.artifactId'
def __getitem__(self, path):
element = self.tree.findtext(self.__path(path))
if element is None:#added
element = self.tree.findtext(self.__path('dependencies'))#added
if element is None:
element = self.tree.findtext(self.__path('properties.' + path))
if element is None and self.parent is not None:
element = self.parent[path]
if element is None:
raise KeyError(path)
return self.pattern.sub(lambda match:self[match.groupdict()['var']], element)
尽管安装了python 2.7,但仍然出现以下错误。
EnvironmentError: Neo4j.py installation requirements unfulfilled.
* For Jython, the source installation requires Jython version 2.5.
* For Jython 2.2 you can still install pre-packaged binary distributions.
These can be obtained at http://components.neo4j.org/neo4j.py/
* For Python, the source installation requires Python 2.5.