
时间:2020-08-29 06:21:51

标签: javascript html css icons local-storage

我用自己的深色主题制作了一个深色模式按钮。主题由本地存储保存。同样,当我单击按钮时,它的图标也会更改(月亮变成太阳)。但是,如果我重新加载页面,该站点仍处于暗模式,但是按钮图标又是月亮。因此,这里有一个链接,向您显示如果您不理解我在说什么的问题。 ( 也是我的代码:

//This is the darkmode script. 
function darkmode() {
  const wasDarkmode = localStorage.getItem('darkmode') === 'true';
  localStorage.setItem('darkmode', !wasDarkmode);
  const element = document.body;
  element.classList.toggle('dark-mode', !wasDarkmode);

function onload() {
  document.body.classList.toggle('dark-mode', localStorage.getItem('darkmode') === 'true');
//And this is the code which change the button's icon
$('button').on('click', fav);

function fav(e) {
  $(this).find('.fa').toggleClass('fa-moon-o fa-sun-o');
//So I would like to combine the 2 codes. I mean to add the icon code to Local Storage.
.card {
  color: yellow;
  background-color: blue;

.dark-mode .car {
  color: blue;
  background-color: yellow;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<a style="padding: 0 !important;"><button class="darkmode" onclick="darkmode()"><i class="fa fa-moon-o"></i></button></a>

<div class="card">
<h2>Another text..</h2>


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浏览器仅按书面形式呈现HTML。您的HTML表示要渲染<i class="fa fa-moon-o"></i>,这就是浏览器显示的内容。换句话说,默认情况下它将始终显示月亮图标。



// when the document is ready
$(document).ready(function () {
    // check if dark mode is enabled
    if (localStorage.getItem('darkmode') === 'true') {
        // if it is, change the moon icon to a sun icon
        ('.fa').toggleClass('fa-moon-o fa-sun-o');