Weekly_SR = timeframe.period == '26' or timeframe.period == '30' or timeframe.period == '60'
// Start & End time for Week
startWeek = time("W")
endWeek = startWeek + 432000000
[wphigh, wplow, wpclose] = security(syminfo.tickerid, 'W', [high[1], low[1], close[1]], lookahead = true)
//Weekly Pivot Points
wpivot = (wphigh + wplow + wpclose) / 3
wr1 = wpivot + (wphigh - wplow) * 0.382
wra = wpivot + (wphigh - wplow) * 0.236
wsa = wpivot - (wphigh - wplow) * 0.236
ws1 = wpivot - (wphigh - wplow) * 0.382
abovews1 = close[1] > ws1
belowwr1 = close[1] < wr1
if(Weekly_SR and abovews1)
wraLevel = line.new(
x1 = startWeek, y1 = wra,
x2 = endWeek, y2 = wra,
xloc = xloc.bar_time,
extend = extend.none,
color = color.white,
style = line.style_dashed,
width = 1)
if(Weekly_SR and belowwr1)
wsaLevel = line.new(
x1 = startWeek, y1 = wsa,
x2 = endWeek, y2 = wsa,
xloc = xloc.bar_time,
extend = extend.none,
color = color.white,
style = line.style_dashed,
width = 1)