
时间:2020-08-27 18:48:47

标签: javascript jquery



基本上,这个想法是,当您放置“ Brujas y brujos”和“ Nivel nato”,然后放置“ +5 MAG”而不是“ Magia”中的仅+5时,之前的值(在这种情况下为10),保留15。因此,对于所有STATS,即“ Fuerza”,“ Magia”,“ Resistencia”,“ Velocidad”和“ Vitalidad”。


// stats i
$('.raza,.nivel').on('change', function() {
    const raza = $('.raza').val(); // Should return a key for the race, like 'brujas'
    const nivel = $('.nivel').val(); // Should return an index for the level, like '0'
    const stat = stats[raza]; // Get the race from stats

    // Set all stat values

// stats ii
// Object with all races and levels
const stats = {
    // Create object for each race
    brujas: {
         // An array of values for each level for each stat
        fue: [6,  8,  10, 12],
        mag: [10, 20, 30, 40],
        res: [2,  4,  6 , 8],
        vel: [2,  3,  4 , 5],
        vit: [55, 65, 80, 90],
     eva: {
        fue: [7,  9,  11, 13],
        mag: [0, 0, 0, 0],
        res: [3,  5,  7 , 9],
        vel: [2,  3,  4 , 5],
        vit: [50, 60, 70, 85],
  humanos: {
        fue: [7,  9,  11, 13],
        mag: [0, 0, 0, 0],
        res: [2,  4,  6 , 8],
        vel: [1,  2,  3 , 4],
        vit: [35, 45, 55, 65],
  licantropos: {
        fue: [7,  9,  11, 13],
        mag: [0, 0, 0, 0],
        res: [3,  5,  7 , 9],
        vel: [3,  4,  5 , 6],
        vit: [55, 65, 80, 90],
  sirenas: {
        fue: [6,  8,  10, 12],
        mag: [0, 0, 0, 0],
        res: [2,  4,  6 , 8],
        vel: [3,  4,  5 , 6],
        vit: [55, 65, 80, 90],
 vampiros: {
        fue: [14,  18,  22, 26],
        mag: [0, 0, 0, 0],
        res: [6,  8,  10 , 12],
        vel: [5,  6,  7 , 8],
        vit: [85, 100, 115, 130],

// puntos de stats por nivel
$(document).ready(function() {
  $('.nivel').on('change', function() {
    var value = this.value;
    if (value == '0') {
    if (value == '1') {
    if (value == '2') {
     if (value == '3') {
  $('.select').on("change", function() {
    var total = 0;
    $('.select').each(function() {
      var price = parseFloat($(this).find("option:selected").data("price"));
      total += price;
      .change(); // Trigger


// suma de stats
function updateFuerzaInputValue(){
  //Get the input value
  var inputValue = document.getElementById("fuerzaselect").value;
  //Update the input value in the input box
  document.getElementById("fue").value = inputValue;

function updateMagiaInputValue(){
  //Get the input value
  var inputValue = document.getElementById("magiaselect").value;
  //Update the input value in the input box
  document.getElementById("mag").value = inputValue

function updateResistenciaInputValue(){
  //Get the input value
  var inputValue = document.getElementById("resistenciaselect").value;
  //Update the input value in the input box
  document.getElementById("res").value = inputValue

function updateVelocidadInputValue(){
  //Get the input value
  var inputValue = document.getElementById("velocidadselect").value;
  //Update the input value in the input box
  document.getElementById("vel").value = inputValue

function updateVitalidadInputValue(){
  //Get the input value
  var inputValue = document.getElementById("vitalidadselect").value;
  //Update the input value in the input box
  document.getElementById("vit").value = inputValue

// suma de stats final
///// fuerza
 $(".fuea2, .fueb2").on("keydown keyup change", function(event) { // <--- Respond to change event, too
    var tr = $(this).closest("fuetr"); //we will use this to restrict scope to the current table row
    tr.find(".fuec2").val(Number(tr.find(".fuea2").val()) + Number(tr.find(".fueb2").val()));


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