盖茨比:将博客文章的网址从索引更改为`/ blog`

时间:2020-08-27 16:02:40

标签: url routes gatsby blogs ghost-blog




const path = require(`path`)
const { postsPerPage } = require(`./src/utils/siteConfig`)
const { paginate } = require(`gatsby-awesome-pagination`)
const config = require(`./gatsby-config`)

 * Here is the place where Gatsby creates the URLs for all the
 * posts, tags, pages and authors that we fetched from the Ghost site.
exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions }) => {
    const { createPage } = actions

    const result = await graphql(`
            allGhostPost(sort: { order: ASC, fields: published_at }) {
                edges {
                    node {
            allGhostTag(sort: { order: ASC, fields: name }) {
                edges {
                    node {
            allGhostAuthor(sort: { order: ASC, fields: name }) {
                edges {
                    node {
            allGhostPage(sort: { order: ASC, fields: published_at }) {
                edges {
                    node {

    // Check for any errors
    if (result.errors) {
        throw new Error(result.errors)

    // Extract query results
    const tags = result.data.allGhostTag.edges
    const authors = result.data.allGhostAuthor.edges
    const pages = result.data.allGhostPage.edges
    const posts = result.data.allGhostPost.edges

    // Load templates
    const indexTemplate = path.resolve(`./src/templates/index.js`)
    const blogTemplate = path.resolve(`./src/templates/blog.js`)
    const tagsTemplate = path.resolve(`./src/templates/tag.js`)
    const authorTemplate = path.resolve(`./src/templates/author.js`)
    const pageTemplate = path.resolve(`./src/templates/page.js`)
    const postTemplate = path.resolve(`./src/templates/post.js`)

    // Create tag pages
    tags.forEach(({ node }) => {
        const totalPosts = node.postCount !== null ? node.postCount : 0
        const numberOfPages = Math.ceil(totalPosts / postsPerPage)

        // This part here defines, that our tag pages will use
        // a `/tag/:slug/` permalink.
        node.url = `/tag/${node.slug}/`

        Array.from({ length: numberOfPages }).forEach((_, i) => {
            const currentPage = i + 1
            const prevPageNumber = currentPage <= 1 ? null : currentPage - 1
            const nextPageNumber =
                currentPage + 1 > numberOfPages ? null : currentPage + 1
            const previousPagePath = prevPageNumber
                ? prevPageNumber === 1
                    ? node.url
                    : `${node.url}page/${prevPageNumber}/`
                : null
            const nextPagePath = nextPageNumber
                ? `${node.url}page/${nextPageNumber}/`
                : null

                path: i === 0 ? node.url : `${node.url}page/${i + 1}/`,
                component: tagsTemplate,
                context: {
                    // Data passed to context is available
                    // in page queries as GraphQL variables.
                    slug: node.slug,
                    limit: postsPerPage,
                    skip: i * postsPerPage,
                    numberOfPages: numberOfPages,
                    humanPageNumber: currentPage,
                    prevPageNumber: prevPageNumber,
                    nextPageNumber: nextPageNumber,
                    previousPagePath: previousPagePath,
                    nextPagePath: nextPagePath,

    // Create author pages
    authors.forEach(({ node }) => {
        const totalPosts = node.postCount !== null ? node.postCount : 0
        const numberOfPages = Math.ceil(totalPosts / postsPerPage)

        // This part here defines, that our author pages will use
        // a `/author/:slug/` permalink.
        node.url = `/author/${node.slug}/`

        Array.from({ length: numberOfPages }).forEach((_, i) => {
            const currentPage = i + 1
            const prevPageNumber = currentPage <= 1 ? null : currentPage - 1
            const nextPageNumber =
                currentPage + 1 > numberOfPages ? null : currentPage + 1
            const previousPagePath = prevPageNumber
                ? prevPageNumber === 1
                    ? node.url
                    : `${node.url}page/${prevPageNumber}/`
                : null
            const nextPagePath = nextPageNumber
                ? `${node.url}page/${nextPageNumber}/`
                : null

                path: i === 0 ? node.url : `${node.url}page/${i + 1}/`,
                component: authorTemplate,
                context: {
                    // Data passed to context is available
                    // in page queries as GraphQL variables.
                    slug: node.slug,
                    limit: postsPerPage,
                    skip: i * postsPerPage,
                    numberOfPages: numberOfPages,
                    humanPageNumber: currentPage,
                    prevPageNumber: prevPageNumber,
                    nextPageNumber: nextPageNumber,
                    previousPagePath: previousPagePath,
                    nextPagePath: nextPagePath,

    // Create pages
    pages.forEach(({ node }) => {
        // This part here defines, that our pages will use
        // a `/:slug/` permalink.
        node.url = `/${node.slug}/`

            path: node.url,
            component: pageTemplate,
            context: {
                // Data passed to context is available
                // in page queries as GraphQL variables.
                slug: node.slug,

    // Create post pages
    posts.forEach(({ node }) => {
        // This part here defines, that our posts will use
        // a `/:slug/` permalink.
        node.url = `/${node.slug}/`

            path: node.url,
            component: postTemplate,
            context: {
                // Data passed to context is available
                // in page queries as GraphQL variables.
                slug: node.slug,

    // Create pagination
        items: posts,
        itemsPerPage: postsPerPage,
        component: blogTemplate,
        pathPrefix: ({ pageNumber }) => {
            if (pageNumber === 0) {
                return `/`
            } else {
                return `/page`


Here is the Github page of the starter I am using

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