使用H2 DB进行Spring Boot +集成测试[建议]

时间:2020-08-20 14:45:06

标签: h2 junit5 spring-boot-test spring-boot-jpa


我们有一个带有关系数据库(MySql)的spring boot服务,我们编写了大约300-400个集成测试,其中,我们在内存数据库中使用了H2 DB,在spring中使用了junit Jupiter API,并在春季进行了以下配置:

@SpringBootTest(classes = Application.class, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT, properties = "eureka.client.enabled:false")
public abstract class BaseControllerIT {
    protected TestRestTemplate restTemplate;

    public void setUp() {
        // Here few repositories are injected and some data is pre populated into H2 db
        // Its like some data which will be required by all test cases

class SomeControllerClassIT extends BaseControllerIT {
    public void setUp() {
        super.setUp(); // Because function is overridden, I am not sure how this behaves hence super call, (Someday I will put different question for that)
        // Here we setup use case specific data

    private ResponseEntity<SomeDto> exchangeAddImageCode() {
       AddImageRequestDto requestDto = // created the object here with values
       return restTemplate.exchange(requestDto, ...otherParams)

    @Test void shouldAddImage() {
       ResponseEntity<SomeDto> responseEntity = exchangeAddImageCode();
       // Assertions

    @Test void shouldFetchAllImages() {
       exchangeAddImageCode();  // This will add image in databse, so that next exchange call will give results
       ResponseEntity<List<SomeDto>> responseListEntity = restTemplate.exchange(...params)
       // Assertions


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