
时间:2020-08-20 02:43:31

标签: javascript html css web

这个测验应该是这样的 [![在此处输入图片描述] [1]] [1]

这适用于[codepon.io] [2],但不适用于Blogger。我已经在JsFiddle中尝试过,但是也无法正常工作。 这是代码

var $progressValue = 0;
var resultList=[];

const quizdata=[
        question:"Characterized by skill at understanding and profiting by circumstances",
        options:["Prescient", "Analyst", "Diminution", "Shrewd"],
        question:"To refuse to acknowledge as one's own or as connected with oneself",
        options:["Prevalent", "Disown", "Squalid", "Employee"],
/** Random shuffle questions **/
function shuffleArray(question){
   var shuffled=question.sort(function() {
    return .5 - Math.random();
   return shuffled;

function shuffle(a) {
  for (var i = a.length; i; i--) {
    var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
    var _ref = [a[j], a[i - 1]];
    a[i - 1] = _ref[0];
    a[j] = _ref[1];

/*** Return shuffled question ***/
function generateQuestions(){
  var questions=shuffleArray(quizdata);    
  return questions;

/*** Return list of options ***/
function returnOptionList(opts, i){

  var optionHtml='<li class="myoptions">'+
    '<input value="'+opts+'" name="optRdBtn" type="radio" id="rd_'+i+'">'+
    '<label for="rd_'+i+'">'+opts+'</label>'+
    '<div class="bullet">'+
      '<div class="line zero"></div>'+
      '<div class="line one"></div>'+
      '<div class="line two"></div>'+
      '<div class="line three"></div>'+
      '<div class="line four"></div>'+
      '<div class="line five"></div>'+
      '<div class="line six"></div>'+
      '<div class="line seven"></div>'+

  return optionHtml;

/** Render Options **/
function renderOptions(optionList){
  var ulContainer=$('<ul>').attr('id','optionList');
  for (var i = 0, len = optionList.length; i < len; i++) {
    var optionContainer=returnOptionList(optionList[i], i)

/** Render question **/
function renderQuestion(question){

/** Render quiz :: Question and option **/
function renderQuiz(questions, index){ 
  var currentQuest=questions[index];  

/** Return correct answer of a question ***/
function getCorrectAnswer(questions, index){
  return questions[index].answer;

/** pushanswers in array **/
function correctAnswerArray(resultByCat){
  var arrayForChart=[];
  for(var i=0; i<resultByCat.length;i++){

  return arrayForChart;
/** Generate array for percentage calculation **/
function genResultArray(results, wrong){
  var resultByCat = resultByCategory(results);
  var arrayForChart=correctAnswerArray(resultByCat);
  return arrayForChart

/** percentage Calculation **/
function percentCalculation(array, total){
  var percent = array.map(function (d, i) {
    return (100 * d / total).toFixed(2);
  return percent;

/*** Get percentage for chart **/
function getPercentage(resultByCat, wrong){
  var totalNumber=resultList.length;
  var wrongAnwer=wrong;
  //var arrayForChart=genResultArray(resultByCat, wrong);
  //return percentCalculation(arrayForChart, totalNumber);

/** count right and wrong answer number **/
function countAnswers(results){

  var countCorrect=0, countWrong=0;

  for(var i=0;i<results.length;i++){
    else countWrong++;

  return [countCorrect, countWrong];

/**** Categorize result *****/
function resultByCategory(results){

  var categoryCount = [];
  var ctArray=results.reduce(function (res, value) {
    if (!res[value.category]) {
        res[value.category] = {
            category: value.category,
            correctanswer: 0           
    var val=(value.iscorrect==true)?1:0;
    res[value.category].correctanswer += val; 
    return res;
  }, {});

  categoryCount.sort(function(a,b) {
    return a.category - b.category;

  return categoryCount;

/** Total score pie chart**/
function totalPieChart(_upto, _cir_progress_id, _correct, _incorrect) {

   $("#"+_cir_progress_id).find("._text_incor").html("Incorrect : "+_incorrect);
   $("#"+_cir_progress_id).find("._text_cor").html("Correct : "+_correct);

   var unchnagedPer=_upto;
    _upto = (_upto > 100) ? 100 : ((_upto < 0) ? 0 : _upto);

    var _progress = 0;

    var _cir_progress = $("#"+_cir_progress_id).find("._cir_P_y");
    var _text_percentage = $("#"+_cir_progress_id).find("._cir_Per");

    var _input_percentage;
    var _percentage;

    var _sleep = setInterval(_animateCircle, 25);

    function _animateCircle() {
      //2*pi*r == 753.6 +xxx=764
        _input_percentage = (_upto / 100) * 764;
        _percentage = (_progress / 100) * 764;

        _text_percentage.html(_progress + '%');

        if (_percentage >= _input_percentage) {
             _text_percentage.html('<tspan x="50%" dy="0em">'+unchnagedPer + '% </tspan><tspan  x="50%" dy="1.9em">Your Score</tspan>');
        } else {


            _cir_progress.attr("stroke-dasharray",_percentage + ',764');

function renderBriefChart(correct, total, incorrect){
  var percent=(100 * correct / total);
  if(Math.round(percent) !== percent) {
          percent = percent.toFixed(2);

 totalPieChart(percent, '_cir_progress', correct, incorrect)
/*** render chart for result **/
function renderChart(data){
  var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart");
  var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
    type: 'doughnut',
    data: {
    labels: [ "Verbal communication", 
              "Non-verbal communication", 
              "Written communication", 
    datasets: [
                  data: data,
                  backgroundColor: [  '#e6ded4',
                  borderColor: [  'rgba(239, 239, 81, 1)',
                                  'rgba((239, 239, 81, 1)',
                  borderWidth: 1
    options: {
         pieceLabel: {
          render: 'percentage',
          fontColor: 'black',
          precision: 2

/** List question and your answer and correct answer  

function getAllAnswer(results){
    var innerhtml="";
    for(var i=0;i<results.length;i++){

      var _class=((results[i].iscorrect)?"item-correct":"item-incorrect");
       var _classH=((results[i].iscorrect)?"h-correct":"h-incorrect");

      var _html='<div class="_resultboard '+_class+'">'+
                  '<div class="_header">'+results[i].question+'</div>'+
                  '<div class="_yourans '+_classH+'">'+results[i].clicked+'</div>';

        var html="";
        html='<div class="_correct">'+results[i].answer+'</div>';

/** render  Brief Result **/
function renderResult(resultList){ 
  var results=resultList;
  var countCorrect=countAnswers(results)[0], 
  renderBriefChart(countCorrect, resultList.length, countWrong);

function renderChartResult(){
   var results=resultList; 
  var countCorrect=countAnswers(results)[0], 
  var dataForChart=genResultArray(resultList, countWrong);

/** Insert progress bar in html **/
function getProgressindicator(length){
  var progressbarhtml=" ";
  for(var i=0;i<length;i++){
    progressbarhtml+='<div class="my-progress-indicator progress_'+(i+1)+' '+((i==0)?"active":"")+'"></div>';

/*** change progress bar when next button is clicked ***/
function changeProgressValue(){
  $progressValue+= 9;
  if ($progressValue >= 100) {
  } else {
    if($progressValue==99) $progressValue=100;
  $('.js-my-progress-completion').html($('progress').val() + '% complete');

function addClickedAnswerToResult(questions,presentIndex,clicked ){
  var correct=getCorrectAnswer(questions, presentIndex);
    var result={


$(document).ready(function() {
  var presentIndex=0;
   var clicked=0;

  var questions=generateQuestions();
  renderQuiz(questions, presentIndex);

  $(".answerOptions ").on('click','.myoptions>input', function(e){





    renderQuiz(questions, presentIndex);








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  bottom: 0;
  right: 7px;
  font-size: 1.9em;
  color: #2dceb1;
    background: #ab4e6b ;
.h-incorrect:after {
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  position: absolute;
  z-index: 499;
  font-family: 'FontAwesome';
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  bottom: 0;
  right: 7px;
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.resultPage1 h1,
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    padding-bottom: 10px;
    border-bottom: 1.3px solid rgba(21, 63, 101,0.9);
    color: #3a5336;

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li {
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    width: 2px;
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.line.five {
    left: -20px;
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    width: 2px;
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input[type="radio"]:checked ~ .bullet .line.three{
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input[type="radio"]:checked ~ .bullet .line.four{
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input[type="radio"]:checked ~ .bullet .line.five{
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input[type="radio"]:checked ~ .bullet .line.six{
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input[type="radio"]:checked ~ .bullet .line.seven{
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@keyframes explode {
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        opacity: 1;
        transform: scale(0.5);
        opacity: 1;
        transform: scale(1);

@keyframes drop-zero {
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        height: 10px;
    20% {
    100% {
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@keyframes drop-one {
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    20% {
    100% {
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        width: 0px;

@keyframes drop-two {
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        transform: translate(-20px);
        width: 10px;
    20% {
    100% {
        transform: translate(9px);
        width: 0px;

@keyframes drop-three {
    0% {
        opacity: 0;
        transform: rotate(55deg) translate(-20px);
        width: 10px;
    20% {
    100% {
        transform: rotate(55deg) translate(9px);
        width: 0px;

@keyframes drop-four {
    0% {
        opacity: 0;
        transform: rotate(55deg) translate(20px);
        width: 10px;
    20% {
    100% {
        transform: rotate(55deg) translate(-9px);
        width: 0px;

@keyframes drop-five {
    0% {
        opacity: 0;
        transform: translate(20px);
        width: 10px;
    20% {
    100% {
        transform: translate(-9px);
        width: 0px;

@keyframes drop-six {
    0% {
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        transform: rotate(-55deg) translate(20px);
        width: 10px;
    20% {
    100% {
        transform: rotate(-55deg) translate(-9px);
        width: 0px;

@keyframes drop-seven {
0% {
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        height: 10px;
    20% {
    100% {
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<div class="quizArea">
  <div class="multipleChoiceQues">
  <h1 class="mc_quiz">
    <div class="my-progress">
        <progress class="my-progress-bar" min="0" max="100" value="0" step="9" aria-labelledby="my-progress-completion"></progress>    
        <p id="my-progress-completion" class="js-my-progress-completion sr-only" aria-live="polite">0% complete</p>
    <div class="quizBox">
      <div class="question"> </div>
      <div class="answerOptions"></div>
      <div class="buttonArea">
        <button id="next"  class="hidden">Next</button>
        <button id="submit"  class="hidden">Submit</button>
  <div class="resultArea">  
    <div class="resultPage1">
      <div class="resultBox">
        <h1>Result Summary</h1>
      <div class="briefchart">
        <svg height="300" width="300" id="_cir_progress">
            <rect x="0" y="1" width="30" height="15"  fill="#ab4e6b" />
            <text x="32" y="14" font-size="14"  class="_text_incor">Incorrect : 12 </text>
            <rect x="160" y="1" width="30" height="15"  fill="#968089" />
            <text x="192" y="14" font-size="14" class="_text_cor">Correct : 12</text>
          <circle class="_cir_P_x" cx="150" cy="150" r="120" stroke="#ab4e6b" stroke-width="20" fill="none" onmouseover="evt.target.setAttribute('stroke', 'rgba(171, 78, 107,0.7)');" onmouseout="evt.target.setAttribute('stroke','#ab4e6b');"></circle>

          <circle class="_cir_P_y" cx="150" cy="150" r="120" stroke="#968089" stroke-width="20"  stroke-dasharray="0,1000" fill="none"  onmouseover="evt.target.setAttribute('stroke', 'rgba(150, 128, 137,0.7)');" onmouseout="evt.target.setAttribute('stroke','#968089');"></circle>
          <text x="50%" y="50%" text-anchor="middle" stroke="none" stroke-width="1px" dy=".3em" class="_cir_Per">0%</text>

      <div class="resultBtns">
        <button class="viewanswer">View Answers</button>
        <button class="viewchart">View Chart</button>
        <button class="replay"><i class="fa fa-repeat" style="font-size:1em;"></i> <br/>Replay</button>

    <div class="resultPage2">
      <h1>Your Result</h1>
      <div class="chartBox">
        <canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
      <button class="backBtn">Back</button>

    <div class="resultPage3">
      <h1>Your Answers</h1>
      <div class="allAnswerBox">
      <button class="backBtn">Back</button>


我不知道必须修复哪个部分。谢谢 [1]:https://i.stack.imgur.com/TllgA.png [2]:https://codepen.io/Helina/pen/oGjWNe

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



var $progressValue = 0;
var resultList = [];

const quizdata = [{
    question: "Characterized by skill at understanding and profiting by circumstances",
    options: ["Prescient", "Analyst", "Diminution", "Shrewd"],
    answer: "Shrewd",
    category: 1
    question: "To refuse to acknowledge as one's own or as connected with oneself",
    options: ["Prevalent", "Disown", "Squalid", "Employee"],
    answer: "Disown",
    category: 2

/** Random shuffle questions **/
function shuffleArray(question) {
  var shuffled = question.sort(function() {
    return .5 - Math.random();
  return shuffled;

function shuffle(a) {
  for (var i = a.length; i; i--) {
    var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
    var _ref = [a[j], a[i - 1]];
    a[i - 1] = _ref[0];
    a[j] = _ref[1];

/*** Return shuffled question ***/
function generateQuestions() {
  var questions = shuffleArray(quizdata);
  return questions;

/*** Return list of options ***/
function returnOptionList(opts, i) {

  var optionHtml = '<li class="myoptions">' +
    '<input value="' + opts + '" name="optRdBtn" type="radio" id="rd_' + i + '">' +
    '<label for="rd_' + i + '">' + opts + '</label>' +
    '<div class="bullet">' +
    '<div class="line zero"></div>' +
    '<div class="line one"></div>' +
    '<div class="line two"></div>' +
    '<div class="line three"></div>' +
    '<div class="line four"></div>' +
    '<div class="line five"></div>' +
    '<div class="line six"></div>' +
    '<div class="line seven"></div>' +
    '</div>' +

  return optionHtml;

/** Render Options **/
function renderOptions(optionList) {
  var ulContainer = $('<ul>').attr('id', 'optionList');
  for (var i = 0, len = optionList.length; i < len; i++) {
    var optionContainer = returnOptionList(optionList[i], i)

/** Render question **/
function renderQuestion(question) {
  $(".question").html("<h1>" + question + "</h1>");

/** Render quiz :: Question and option **/
function renderQuiz(questions, index) {
  var currentQuest = questions[index];

/** Return correct answer of a question ***/
function getCorrectAnswer(questions, index) {
  return questions[index].answer;

/** pushanswers in array **/
function correctAnswerArray(resultByCat) {
  var arrayForChart = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < resultByCat.length; i++) {

  return arrayForChart;
/** Generate array for percentage calculation **/
function genResultArray(results, wrong) {
  var resultByCat = resultByCategory(results);
  var arrayForChart = correctAnswerArray(resultByCat);
  return arrayForChart

/** percentage Calculation **/
function percentCalculation(array, total) {
  var percent = array.map(function(d, i) {
    return (100 * d / total).toFixed(2);
  return percent;

/*** Get percentage for chart **/
function getPercentage(resultByCat, wrong) {
  var totalNumber = resultList.length;
  var wrongAnwer = wrong;
  //var arrayForChart=genResultArray(resultByCat, wrong);
  //return percentCalculation(arrayForChart, totalNumber);

/** count right and wrong answer number **/
function countAnswers(results) {

  var countCorrect = 0,
    countWrong = 0;

  for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
    if (results[i].iscorrect == true)
    else countWrong++;

  return [countCorrect, countWrong];

/**** Categorize result *****/
function resultByCategory(results) {

  var categoryCount = [];
  var ctArray = results.reduce(function(res, value) {
    if (!res[value.category]) {
      res[value.category] = {
        category: value.category,
        correctanswer: 0
    var val = (value.iscorrect == true) ? 1 : 0;
    res[value.category].correctanswer += val;
    return res;
  }, {});

  categoryCount.sort(function(a, b) {
    return a.category - b.category;

  return categoryCount;

/** Total score pie chart**/
function totalPieChart(_upto, _cir_progress_id, _correct, _incorrect) {

  $("#" + _cir_progress_id).find("._text_incor").html("Incorrect : " + _incorrect);
  $("#" + _cir_progress_id).find("._text_cor").html("Correct : " + _correct);

  var unchnagedPer = _upto;

  _upto = (_upto > 100) ? 100 : ((_upto < 0) ? 0 : _upto);

  var _progress = 0;

  var _cir_progress = $("#" + _cir_progress_id).find("._cir_P_y");
  var _text_percentage = $("#" + _cir_progress_id).find("._cir_Per");

  var _input_percentage;
  var _percentage;

  var _sleep = setInterval(_animateCircle, 25);

  function _animateCircle() {
    //2*pi*r == 753.6 +xxx=764
    _input_percentage = (_upto / 100) * 764;
    _percentage = (_progress / 100) * 764;

    _text_percentage.html(_progress + '%');

    if (_percentage >= _input_percentage) {
      _text_percentage.html('<tspan x="50%" dy="0em">' + unchnagedPer + '% </tspan><tspan  x="50%" dy="1.9em">Your Score</tspan>');
    } else {


      _cir_progress.attr("stroke-dasharray", _percentage + ',764');

function renderBriefChart(correct, total, incorrect) {
  var percent = (100 * correct / total);
  if (Math.round(percent) !== percent) {
    percent = percent.toFixed(2);

  totalPieChart(percent, '_cir_progress', correct, incorrect)

/*** render chart for result **/
function renderChart(data) {
  var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart");
  var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
    type: 'doughnut',
    data: {
      labels: ["Verbal communication",
        "Non-verbal communication",
        "Written communication",
      datasets: [{

        data: data,
        backgroundColor: ['#e6ded4',
        borderColor: ['rgba(239, 239, 81, 1)',
          'rgba((239, 239, 81, 1)',
        borderWidth: 1
    options: {
      pieceLabel: {
        render: 'percentage',
        fontColor: 'black',
        precision: 2


/** List question and your answer and correct answer  

function getAllAnswer(results) {
  var innerhtml = "";
  for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {

    var _class = ((results[i].iscorrect) ? "item-correct" : "item-incorrect");
    var _classH = ((results[i].iscorrect) ? "h-correct" : "h-incorrect");

    var _html = '<div class="_resultboard ' + _class + '">' +
      '<div class="_header">' + results[i].question + '</div>' +
      '<div class="_yourans ' + _classH + '">' + results[i].clicked + '</div>';

    var html = "";
    if (!results[i].iscorrect)
      html = '<div class="_correct">' + results[i].answer + '</div>';
    _html = (_html + html) + '</div>';
    innerhtml += _html;

/** render  Brief Result **/
function renderResult(resultList) {

  var results = resultList;
  var countCorrect = countAnswers(results)[0],
    countWrong = countAnswers(results)[1];

  renderBriefChart(countCorrect, resultList.length, countWrong);

function renderChartResult() {
  var results = resultList;
  var countCorrect = countAnswers(results)[0],
    countWrong = countAnswers(results)[1];
  var dataForChart = genResultArray(resultList, countWrong);

/** Insert progress bar in html **/
function getProgressindicator(length) {
  var progressbarhtml = " ";
  for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    progressbarhtml += '<div class="my-progress-indicator progress_' + (i + 1) + ' ' + ((i == 0) ? "active" : "") + '"></div>';

/*** change progress bar when next button is clicked ***/
function changeProgressValue() {
  $progressValue += 9;
  if ($progressValue >= 100) {

  } else {
    if ($progressValue == 99) $progressValue = 100;
  $('.js-my-progress-completion').html($('progress').val() + '% complete');


function addClickedAnswerToResult(questions, presentIndex, clicked) {
  var correct = getCorrectAnswer(questions, presentIndex);
  var result = {
    index: presentIndex,
    question: questions[presentIndex].question,
    clicked: clicked,
    iscorrect: (clicked == correct) ? true : false,
    answer: correct,
    category: questions[presentIndex].category

$(document).ready(function() {

  var presentIndex = 0;
  var clicked = 0;

  var questions = generateQuestions();
  renderQuiz(questions, presentIndex);

  $(".answerOptions ").on('click', '.myoptions>input', function(e) {
    clicked = $(this).val();

    if (questions.length == (presentIndex + 1)) {
    } else {


  $("#next").on('click', function(e) {
    addClickedAnswerToResult(questions, presentIndex, clicked);


    renderQuiz(questions, presentIndex);

  $("#submit").on('click', function(e) {
    addClickedAnswerToResult(questions, presentIndex, clicked);


  $(".resultArea").on('click', '.viewchart', function() {

  $(".resultArea").on('click', '.backBtn', function() {

  $(".resultArea").on('click', '.viewanswer', function() {

  $(".resultArea").on('click', '.replay', function() {

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<div class="quizArea">
  <div class="multipleChoiceQues">
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    <div class="my-progress">
      <progress class="my-progress-bar" min="0" max="100" value="0" step="9" aria-labelledby="my-progress-completion"></progress>
      <p id="my-progress-completion" class="js-my-progress-completion sr-only" aria-live="polite">0% complete</p>
    <div class="quizBox">
      <div class="question"> </div>
      <div class="answerOptions"></div>
      <div class="buttonArea">
        <button id="next" class="hidden">Next</button>
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  <div class="resultArea">
    <div class="resultPage1">
      <div class="resultBox">
        <h1>Result Summary</h1>
      <div class="briefchart">
        <svg height="300" width="300" id="_cir_progress">
            <rect x="0" y="1" width="30" height="15"  fill="#ab4e6b" />
            <text x="32" y="14" font-size="14"  class="_text_incor">Incorrect : 12 </text>
            <rect x="160" y="1" width="30" height="15"  fill="#968089" />
            <text x="192" y="14" font-size="14" class="_text_cor">Correct : 12</text>
          <circle class="_cir_P_x" cx="150" cy="150" r="120" stroke="#ab4e6b" stroke-width="20" fill="none" onmouseover="evt.target.setAttribute('stroke', 'rgba(171, 78, 107,0.7)');" onmouseout="evt.target.setAttribute('stroke','#ab4e6b');"></circle>

          <circle class="_cir_P_y" cx="150" cy="150" r="120" stroke="#968089" stroke-width="20"  stroke-dasharray="0,1000" fill="none"  onmouseover="evt.target.setAttribute('stroke', 'rgba(150, 128, 137,0.7)');" onmouseout="evt.target.setAttribute('stroke','#968089');"></circle>
          <text x="50%" y="50%" text-anchor="middle" stroke="none" stroke-width="1px" dy=".3em" class="_cir_Per">0%</text>

      <div class="resultBtns">
        <button class="viewanswer">View Answers</button>
        <button class="viewchart">View Chart</button>
        <button class="replay"><i class="fa fa-repeat" style="font-size:1em;"></i> <br/>Replay</button>

    <div class="resultPage2">
      <h1>Your Result</h1>
      <div class="chartBox">
        <canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
      <button class="backBtn">Back</button>

    <div class="resultPage3">
      <h1>Your Answers</h1>
      <div class="allAnswerBox">

      <button class="backBtn">Back</button>
