尽管输入有效值,程序仍拒绝运行“ if”语句

时间:2020-08-19 16:46:23

标签: python if-statement




这是我的代码,它将询问用户“您想去哪里?”然后会收到“ house”的输入。收到此通知后,它将打印出他们的指示。取而代之的是,它每次都运行“ else”语句。

| where Category == "kube-audit"
| extend log_j=parse_json(log_s) 
| extend requestURI=log_j.requestURI 
| extend verb=log_j.verb 
| extend username=log_j.user.username
| extend requestObject = parse_json(log_j.requestObject)
| where verb !in ("get", "list", "watch", "")
| where username !in ("aksService", "masterclient", "nodeclient")
| where username !startswith "system:serviceaccount:kube-system"
| where requestURI startswith "/api/"
| where requestURI !startswith "/api/v1/nodes/"
| where requestURI !startswith "/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/"
| where requestURI !startswith "/api/v1/namespaces/ingress-basic/"

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




答案 1 :(得分:2)


import difflib
# Storing the names and directions of users: 
#This is called a dictionary. More info here https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_dictionaries.asp
directions= {
    "David": "Directions to David's home from T... \n East on X, \n South on Y.," \
            " \n West on Z., \n South on A., \n first white house on the right.",

    "Caroline": "Directions to Caroline's home from T... \n East on x, \n South on y.," \
        " \n East on z., \n South on p., \n East on q," \
        " \n West on t., \n last brick house in the cul-de-sac.",

    "William":"Directions to Will's home from T... \n East on x, \n South on y.," \
        " \n West on z., \n South on Fa., \n West on b., \n first house on the right.",

    "Bannon":"<Insert directions to Bannon's house>"

# User gives a specific name and then receives a location:
while True:
    destination = input("Where would you like to go? ")

    highest = 0 #highest score between the user name and input
    user_key = "" #name of the user who most closely matches the input
    for user in directions: #iterate through all the user's names in the directions dictionary
      similarity = difflib.SequenceMatcher( #for each user's name, compare it to the input
          None, destination, user).ratio()
      if(similarity > highest): #if the similarity score is greater than the highest recorded score, update the score
        highest = similarity
        user_key = user
    #Code that runs if a match is too low are not found
    if(highest < 0.5): #adjust this based on how close you want the match to be. highest will always be between 0.0 and 1.0
      print("Sorry, that location wasn't found! Please try again.")

    #Print user's directions
      print('\n\nGetting directions to ' + user_key + '\'s house\n\n')
      print(directions[user_key] + "\n\n\n")



答案 2 :(得分:1)

最小化程序并进行测试!您发布了过多的代码来演示此问题。一旦出现类似if destination.casefold() == 'Davids house':的问题,请尽量减少罐装数据的问题

destination = "david's house"
if not destination.casefold() == "Davids house":
    print(repr(destination), "failed")


"david's house" failed

