
时间:2020-08-18 21:07:58

标签: pandas dictionary


{'Paradigms': ['Agile Software Development',
  'Serverless Architecture'],
 'Platforms': ['Kubernetes',
  'AWS EC2',
  'Amazon Web Services (AWS)',
  'Apache Kafka',
  'AWS Lambda',
 'Storage': ['AWS S3',
  'AWS DynamoDB',
  'Spring Data MongoDB',
  'AWS RDS',
 'Languages': ['Java',
 'Frameworks': ['Ruby on Rails (RoR)',
  'AWS HA',
  'Serverless Framework',
 'Other': ['Cisco',
  'Content Delivery Networks (CDN)',
  'Kubernetes Operations (Kops)',
  'VMware ESXi',
  'Bash Scripting',
  'Scrum Master',
  'Infrastructure as Code',
  'Performance Tuning',
  'System Administration',
  'Linux System Administration',
  'Code Review'],
 'Libraries/APIs': ['Node.js',
  'Jenkins Pipeline',
  'Selenium Grid'],
 'Tools': ['Jenkins',
  'AWS ECS',
  'AWS IAM',
  'Amazon CloudFront CDN',
  'AWS CloudFormation',
  'Git Flow',
  'Docker Compose',
  'AWS CLI',
  'AWS ECR',
  'MongoDB Shell',
  'Amazon SQS',
  'AWS SES',
  'Subversion (SVN)',
  'Microsoft Visual Studio',
  'Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)',
  'VMware ESX',
  'Sumo Logic',
  'Apache ZooKeeper',
  'AWS Fargate',
  'ELK (Elastic Stack)',
  'Microsoft Team Foundation Server',
  'Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)']}



# convert dict values to str
for index, row in toptal["skills"].items():
    for key, val in row.items():
        row.update({key: str(val)})

# reverse dict keys and values
for index, row in toptal["skills"].items():
    inv_dict = {v: k for k, v in row.items()}

# map inv_dict to new column
toptal["skills_list"] = toptal["skills"].apply(
    lambda x: {k for k, v in inv_dict.items()}


row 1: ['Agile Software Development','Scrum','DevOps', 'Serverless Architecture'], ['Kubernetes','Linux','Windows','Eclipse','PagerDuty','Apache2','Docker','AWS EC2','Amazon Web Services (AWS)','Sysdig','Apache Kafka','AWS Lambda','Azure','OpenStack'],['AWS S3','MongoDB','Cassandra','MySQL','PostgreSQL','AWS DynamoDB','Spring Data MongoDB','AWS RDS','MySQL/MariaDB','Datadog','Memcached']...



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


#dictionary given
d={'Paradigms': ['Agile Software Development', 'Scrum', 'DevOps', 'Serverless Architecture'], 'Platforms': ['Kubernetes', 'Linux', 'Windows', 'Eclipse', 'PagerDuty', 'Apache2', 'Docker', 'AWS EC2', 'Amazon Web Services (AWS)', 'Sysdig', 'Apache Kafka', 'AWS Lambda', 'Azure', 'OpenStack'], 'Storage': ['AWS S3', 'MongoDB', 'Cassandra', 'MySQL', 'PostgreSQL', 'AWS DynamoDB', 'Spring Data MongoDB', 'AWS RDS', 'MySQL/MariaDB', 'Datadog', 'Memcached'], 'Languages': ['Java', 'PHP', 'SQL', 'Bash', 'Perl', 'JavaScript', 'Python', 'C#', 'Go'], 'Frameworks': ['Ruby on Rails (RoR)', 'AWS HA', '.NET', 'Serverless Framework', 'Selenium', 'CodeIgniter', 'Express.js'], 'Other': ['Cisco', 'Content Delivery Networks (CDN)', 'Kubernetes Operations (Kops)', 'Prometheus', 'VMware ESXi', 'Bash Scripting', 'Scrum Master', 'Infrastructure as Code', 'Performance Tuning', 'Serverless', 'System Administration', 'Linux System Administration', 'Code Review'], 'Libraries/APIs': ['Node.js', 'Jenkins Pipeline', 'jQuery', 'React', 'Selenium Grid'], 'Tools': ['Jenkins', 'Bitbucket', 'GitHub', 'AWS ECS', 'AWS IAM', 'Amazon CloudFront CDN', 'Terraform', 'AWS CloudFormation', 'Git Flow', 'Artifactory', 'Nginx', 'Grafana', 'Zabbix', 'Docker Compose', 'AWS CLI', 'AWS ECR', 'Chef', 'Jira', 'Git', 'Postfix', 'MongoDB Shell', 'Wowza', 'Amazon SQS', 'AWS SES', 'Subversion (SVN)', 'TeamCity', 'Microsoft Visual Studio', 'Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)', 'VMware ESX', 'Fluentd', 'Sumo Logic', 'Slack', 'Apache ZooKeeper', 'AWS Fargate', 'Ansible', 'ELK (Elastic Stack)', 'Microsoft Team Foundation Server', 'Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)']}

#Create a dataframe with dictionaries like above

#                                                   d
#0  {'Paradigms': ['Agile Software Development', '...
#1  {'Paradigms': ['Agile Software Development', '...

#use json_normalize
                                           Paradigms                                          Platforms                                            Storage                                          Languages                                         Frameworks                                              Other                                     Libraries/APIs                                              Tools
0  [Agile Software Development, Scrum, DevOps, Se...  [Kubernetes, Linux, Windows, Eclipse, PagerDut...  [AWS S3, MongoDB, Cassandra, MySQL, PostgreSQL...  [Java, PHP, SQL, Bash, Perl, JavaScript, Pytho...  [Ruby on Rails (RoR), AWS HA, .NET, Serverless...  [Cisco, Content Delivery Networks (CDN), Kuber...  [Node.js, Jenkins Pipeline, jQuery, React, Sel...  [Jenkins, Bitbucket, GitHub, AWS ECS, AWS IAM,...
1  [Agile Software Development, Scrum, DevOps, Se...  [Kubernetes, Linux, Windows, Eclipse, PagerDut...  [AWS S3, MongoDB, Cassandra, MySQL, PostgreSQL...  [Java, PHP, SQL, Bash, Perl, JavaScript, Pytho...  [Ruby on Rails (RoR), AWS HA, .NET, Serverless...  [Cisco, Content Delivery Networks (CDN), Kuber...  [Node.js, Jenkins Pipeline, jQuery, React, Sel...  [Jenkins, Bitbucket, GitHub, AWS ECS, AWS IAM,...


df['d']=df['d'].apply(lambda x: list(x.values()))