
时间:2011-06-14 16:41:14

标签: list r simulation lapply mse






 The data structure looks like this:

 p = number of proposals
 r = number of raters

 n.panels = number of replicate panels

 t.reps = list of several replicate panels

 three bias conditions:     n.bias - no bias
                            u.bias - uniform bias (raters higher than previous rater)
                            b.bias - bidirectional bias (balanced up and down bias)

 t     1        |..| --> 10*(n.bias(p*r)) + 10*(u.bias(p*r)) + 10*(b.bias(p*r)  {panel replication 1}
 .     2        |..| --> 10*(n.bias(p*r)) + 10*(u.bias(p*r)) + 10*(b.bias(p*r)  {panel replication 2}
 r     :                    :                         :               :                  :
 e     :                    :                         :               :                  :
 p     n.panels |..| --> 10*(n.bias(p*r)) + 10*(u.bias(p*r)) + 10*(b.bias(p*r)  {n. panels replications}


##########  start of simulation parameters


means <- matrix(c(rep(50,3), rep(60,3), rep(70,4) ), ncol = 1)      #  matrix of true proposal values
bias.u <- matrix(c(0,2,4,6,8), nrow=1)                              #  unidirectional bias
bias.b <- matrix(c(0,3,-3, 5, -5), nrow=1)                          #  bidirectional bias   

ones.u <- matrix(rep(1,ncol(bias.u)), nrow = 1)                 #  number of raters is the number of columns  (r)
ones.b <- matrix(rep(1,ncol(bias.b)), nrow = 1)
ones.2 <- matrix(rep(1,nrow(means)),  ncol = 1)                 #  number of proposals is the number of rows  (p)

true.ratings <- means%*%ones.u                                  #  gives matrix of true proposal value for each rater (p*r)
uni.bias    <- ones.2%*%bias.u
bid.bias    <- ones.2%*%bias.b                                  #  gives matrix of true rater bias for each proposal  (p*r)

n.val <- nrow(means)*ncol(ones.u)

#   true.ratings
#   uni.bias
#   bid.bias


#####  generating replicate data...

##########--------------------  analyzing mse of adjusted scores across replications

##########--------------------  developing random replicates of panel data

##########-----  This means that there are (reps) replications in each of the bias conditions
##########-----  to represent a plausible set of ratings in a particular collection 
##########-----  of panels. So for one proposal cycle (panel) , there are 3 * (reps) * nrow(means) 
##########-----  number of proposal ratings.
##########-----  There are (n.panels) replications of the total number of proposal ratings placed in a list
##########-----  (t.reps).

n.panels <- 2    #  put in the number of replicate panels that should be produced
reps     <- 10   #  put in the number of times each bias condition should be included in a panel

t.reps <- list()

n.bias <- list()
u.bias <- list()
b.bias <- list()

for (i in 1:n.panels)

            for(j in 1:reps) 
                n.bias[[j]] <- true.ratings + matrix(round(rnorm(n.val,4,2), digits=0), nrow = nrow(means)) 
            for(j in 1:reps)    
                u.bias[[j]] <- true.ratings + uni.bias + matrix(round(rnorm(n.val,4,2), digits=0), nrow = nrow(means))
            for(j in 1:reps)
                b.bias[[j]] <- true.ratings + bid.bias + matrix(round(rnorm(n.val,4,2), digits=0), nrow = nrow(means))

    t.reps[[i]] <- list(n.bias, u.bias, b.bias)


# t.reps

列表中的每个元素(t.reps)是一组审阅者的随机复制  对于整套提案。

我想应用以下功能来“调整”面板内的分数  使用整套提案分数的特征(涵盖所有评估者和提案)  在评估者中调整值。我们的想法是以某种方式纠正任何偏见  (例如,在对提案进行评级时过于苛刻或过于简单)。


因此,对于一个面板,将有30个重复数据集(每个偏置条件10个)  每个复制数据集将有10个提案,由5个评级者评定,结果  共有300份提案。



adj.scores <- function(x, tot.dat)
    t.sd <- sd(array(tot.dat))
    t.mn <- mean(array(tot.dat))

    ones.t.mn <- diag(1,ncol(x))

    p <- nrow(x)
    r <- ncol(x)

    ones.total <- matrix(1,p,r)

    r.sd <- diag(apply(x,2, sd))
    r.mn <- diag(apply(x,2, mean))

    den.r.sd <- ginv(r.sd)
    b.shift <- x%*%den.r.sd

    a <- t.mn*ones.t.mn - den.r.sd%*%r.mn
    a.shift <- ones.total%*%a

    l.x <- b.shift + a.shift



##########  I would like to do something like this...

##########  apply the function to each element in the list t.reps

dat.1 <- matrix(unlist(t.reps[[1]]), ncol=5)
adj.rep.1 <- lapply(t.reps[[1]], adj.scores, tot.dat = dat.1)





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



adj.rep.1 <- rapply(t.reps[[1]], adj.scores, how='replace', tot.dat = dat.1)

# comparing the structures


答案 1 :(得分:0)



实现此目的的一种方法实质上是面板上所有评级的中心,然后使用所有评级的总体均值和sd对面板中心评级进行均值/ sd转换。此过程位于函数adj.scores



##########  proposal ratings project
##########  17 June 2011
##########  original code by:  jjb with help from es

##########------  functions to be read in and called when desired

##########  applying  this function to a single matrix will give detailed output 
##########  calculating generalizability theory components
##########  not a very robust formulation, but a good place to start
##########  for future, put panel facet on this design

    g.pxr.long = function(x)
      m.raters <<- colMeans(x)
      n.raters <<- length(m.raters)

      m.props <<-  rowMeans(x)
      n.props <<-  length(m.props)

      m.total <<-  mean(x)
      n.total <<-  nrow(x)*ncol(x)

      m.raters.2 <<- m.raters^2
      m.props.2 <<- m.props^2

      sum.m.raters.2 <<- sum(m.raters.2)
      sum.m.props.2  <<- sum(m.props.2)

      ss.props <<- n.raters*(sum.m.props.2) - n.total*(m.total^2)
      ss.raters <<- n.props*(sum.m.raters.2) - n.total*(m.total^2)
      ss.pr  <<-  sum(x^2) - n.raters*(sum.m.props.2) - n.props*(sum.m.raters.2) +  n.total*(m.total^2)

      df.props <- n.props - 1
      df.raters <- n.raters - 1
      df.pr  <-  df.props*df.raters

      ms.props <- ss.props / df.props
      ms.raters <- ss.raters / df.raters
      ms.pr <- ss.pr / df.pr

      var.p <- (ms.props - ms.pr) / n.raters
      var.r <- (ms.raters - ms.pr) / n.props
      var.pr <- ms.pr

      out.1 <- as.data.frame( matrix(c( df.props, df.raters, df.pr, 
                                        ss.props, ss.raters, ss.pr, 
                                        ms.props, ms.raters, ms.pr,  
                                        var.p, var.r, var.pr), ncol = 4))

      out.2 <- as.data.frame(matrix(c("p", "r", "pr" ), ncol = 1))
      g.out.1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(out.2, out.1))
      colnames(g.out.1) <- c("   source", "   df  ", "   ss  ", "   ms  ", "   variance")

     var.abs <- (var.r / n.raters) + (var.pr / n.raters)
     var.rel <- (var.pr / n.raters)
     var.xbar <- (var.p / n.props) + (var.r / n.raters) + (var.pr / (n.raters*n.props) )

     gen.coef <- var.p / (var.p + var.rel)
     dep.coef <- var.p / (var.p + var.abs)

     out.3 <- as.data.frame(matrix(c(var.rel, var.abs, var.xbar, gen.coef, dep.coef), ncol=1))
     out.3 <- round(out.3, digits = 4)
     out.4 <- as.data.frame(matrix(c("relative error variance", "absolute error variance", "xbar error variance", "E(rho^2)", "Phi"), ncol=1))

     g.out.2 <- as.data.frame(cbind(out.4,out.3))
     colnames(g.out.2) <- c("   estimate ", "   value")

    outs <- list(g.out.1, g.out.2)
    names(outs) <- c("generalizability theory: G-study components", "G-study Indices")


##########-----  calculating confidence intervals using Chebychev, Cramer, and Normal   

##########-----  use this to find alpha for desired k

factor.choose = function(k)

    alpha <- 1 / k^2

conf.intervals = function(dat, alpha)

    k <- sqrt( 1 / alpha )  # specifying what the k factor is...

    x.bar <- mean(dat)
    x.sd  <- sd(dat)

    n.obs <- length(dat)

    sem <- x.sd / sqrt(n.obs)

    ub.cheb <- x.bar + k*sem
    lb.cheb <- x.bar - k*sem

    ub.crem <- x.bar + (4/9)*k*sem
    lb.crem <- x.bar - (4/9)*k*sem

    ub.norm <- x.bar + qnorm(1-alpha/2)*sem
    lb.norm <- x.bar - qnorm(1-alpha/2)*sem

    out.lb <- matrix(c(lb.cheb,  lb.crem,  lb.norm), ncol=1)
    out.ub <- matrix(c(ub.cheb,  ub.crem, ub.norm), ncol=1)

    dat <- as.data.frame(dat)

    mean.raters <- as.matrix(rowMeans(dat))

    dat$z.values <- matrix((mean.raters - x.bar) / x.sd)

    select.cheb <- dat[ which(abs(dat$z.values) >= k ) , ]

    select.crem <- dat[ which(abs(dat$z.values) >= (4/9)*k ) , ]

    select.norm <- dat[ which(abs(dat$z.values) >=  qnorm(1-alpha/2)) , ]

    count.cheb <- nrow(select.cheb)
    count.crem <- nrow(select.crem)
    count.norm <- nrow(select.norm)

    out.dat <- list()

    out.dat <- list(select.cheb, select.crem, select.norm)
    names(out.dat) <- c("Selected cases: Chebychev", "Selected cases: Cramer's", "Selected cases: Normal")

    out.sum <- matrix(c(x.bar, x.sd, n.obs), ncol=3)
    colnames(out.sum) <- c("mean", "sd", "n")

    out.crit <- matrix(c(alpha, k, (4/9)*k, qnorm(1-alpha/2)) ,ncol=4 )
    colnames(out.crit) <- c("alpha", "k", "(4/9)*k", "z" )

    out.count <- matrix(c(count.cheb, count.crem, count.norm) ,ncol=3 )
    colnames(out.count) <- c("Chebychev", "Cramer" , "Normal")
    rownames(out.count) <- c("count")

    outs <- list(out.sum, out.crit, out.count, out.dat)
    names(outs) <- c("Summary of data", "Critical values", "Count of Selected Cases", "Selected Cases")



rm(list = ls())


means <- matrix(c( rep(50,19), rep(70,1) ), ncol = 1)      #  matrix of true proposal values
bias.u <- matrix(c(0,2,4), nrow=1)                                  #  unidirectional bias
bias.b <- matrix(c(0,5, -5), nrow=1)                                #  bidirectional bias   

ones.u <- matrix(rep(1,ncol(bias.u)), nrow = 1)                 #  number of raters is the number of columns  (r)
ones.b <- matrix(rep(1,ncol(bias.b)), nrow = 1)
ones.2 <- matrix(rep(1,nrow(means)),  ncol = 1)                 #  number of proposals is the number of rows  (p)

true.ratings <- means%*%ones.u                                  #  gives matrix of true proposal value for each rater (p*r)
uni.bias    <- ones.2%*%bias.u
bid.bias    <- ones.2%*%bias.b                                  #  gives matrix of true rater bias for each proposal  (p*r)

pan.bias.pos <- matrix(20,nrow=nrow(true.ratings), ncol=ncol(true.ratings))  #  gives a matrix of bias for every member in a panel (p*r)

n.val <- nrow(true.ratings)*ncol(true.ratings)

#   true.ratings
#   uni.bias
#   bid.bias
#   pan.bias.pos


#####  generating replicate data...

n.panels <- 10      #  put in the number of replicate panels that should be produced
reps     <- 2        #  put in the number of times each bias condition should be included in a panel 

t.reps <- list()

n.bias <- list()
u.bias <- list()
b.bias <- list()
pan.bias <- list()

n.bias.out <- list()
u.bias.out <- list()
b.bias.out <- list()
pan.bias.out <- list()

for (i in 1:n.panels)

            for(j in 1:reps) 
                n.bias[[j]] <- true.ratings + matrix(round(rnorm(n.val,4,2), digits=0), nrow = nrow(means)) 
            for(j in 1:reps)    
                u.bias[[j]] <- true.ratings + uni.bias + matrix(round(rnorm(n.val,4,2), digits=0), nrow = nrow(means))
            for(j in 1:reps)
                b.bias[[j]] <- true.ratings + bid.bias + matrix(round(rnorm(n.val,4,2), digits=0), nrow = nrow(means))


        pan.bias[[i]]  <- true.ratings + pan.bias.pos + matrix(round(rnorm(n.val,4,2), digits=0), nrow = nrow(means))

        n.bias.out[[i]] <- n.bias
        u.bias.out[[i]] <- u.bias
        b.bias.out[[i]] <- b.bias

        t.reps[[i]] <- c(n.bias, u.bias, b.bias, pan.bias[i])


#  t.reps

#  rm(list = ls())

##########-----  this is the standardization formula to be applied to proposal ratings **WITHIN** a panel

adj.scores <- function(x, tot.dat)

    t.sd <- sd(array(tot.dat))
    t.mn <- mean(array(tot.dat))

    ones.t.mn <- diag(1,ncol(x))

    p <- nrow(x)
    r <- ncol(x)

    ones.total <- matrix(1,p,r)

    r.sd <- diag(apply(x,2, sd))
    r.mn <- diag(apply(x,2, mean))

    den.r.sd <- ginv(r.sd)
    b.shift <- x%*%den.r.sd

    a <- t.mn*ones.t.mn - den.r.sd%*%r.mn
    a.shift <- ones.total%*%a

    l.x <- b.shift + a.shift


##########-----  applying standardization formula and getting 
##########-----  proposal means for adjusted and unadjusted ratings

adj.rep <- list()
m.adj <- list()
m.reg <- list()

for (i in 1:n.panels)


    panel.data <- array(unlist(t.reps[[i]]))

    adj.rep[[i]] <- lapply(t.reps[[i]], adj.scores, tot.dat = panel.data)

    m.adj[[i]] <- lapply(adj.rep[[i]], rowMeans)
    m.reg[[i]] <- lapply(t.reps[[i]], rowMeans)


##########-----  This function extracts the replicate proposal means for each set of reviews    
##########-----  across panels.  So, if there are 8 sets of reviewers that are simulated 10 times, 
##########-----  this extracts the first set of means across the 10 replications and puts them together,
##########-----  and then extracts the second set of means across replications and puts them together, etc..
##########-----  The result will be 8 matrices made up of 10 columns with rows .

##########-----  first for unadjusted means 

means.reg <- matrix(unlist(m.reg), nrow=nrow(means))
sets <- length(m.reg[[1]])
counter <- n.panels*length(m.reg[[1]])

m.reg.panels.set <- list()

        for (j in 1:sets)

                m.reg.panels.set[[j]] <- means.reg[ , c(seq( j, counter, sets))]


##########-----  now for adjusted means

means.adj <- matrix(unlist(m.adj), nrow=nrow(means))
sets <- length(m.adj[[1]])
counter <- n.panels*length(m.adj[[1]])

m.adj.panels.set <- list()

        for (j in 1:sets)

                m.adj.panels.set[[j]] <- means.adj[ , c(seq( j, counter, sets))]


##########   calculating msd as bias^2 and error^2

msd.calc <- function(x)

            true.means  <- means
            calc.means  <- as.matrix(rowMeans(x))

            t.means.mat <- matrix(rep(true.means, n.panels), ncol=ncol(x))
            c.means.mat <- matrix(rep(calc.means, n.panels), ncol=ncol(x))

            msd <- matrix( rowSums( (x - t.means.mat )^2) / ncol(c.means.mat) )
            bias.2 <- (calc.means - true.means)^2
            e.var <-  matrix( rowSums( (x - c.means.mat )^2) / ncol(c.means.mat ) )

            msd <- matrix(c(msd, bias.2, e.var), ncol = 3)
            colnames(msd) <- c("msd", "bias^2", "e.var")



##########  checking work...

#       msd.calc <- bias.2 + e.var
#       all.equal(msd, msd.calc)

##########-----  applying function to each set across panels        

msd.reg.panels <- lapply(m.reg.panels.set, msd.calc)        

msd.adj.panels <- lapply(m.adj.panels.set, msd.calc)


##########  for the unadjusted scores, the msd is very large (as is expected)
##########  for the adjusted scores, the msd is in line with the other panels

##########-----  trying to evaluate impact of adjusting scores on proposal awards

reg.panel.1 <- matrix(unlist(m.reg[[1]]), nrow=nrow(means))
adj.panel.1 <- matrix(unlist(m.adj[[1]]), nrow=nrow(means))

reg <- matrix(array(reg.panel.1), ncol=1)
adj <- matrix(array(adj.panel.1), ncol=1)

panels.1 <- cbind(reg,adj)

colnames(panels.1) <- c("unadjusted", "adjusted")

cor(panels.1, method="spearman")

########   identify(panels.1)

plot(panels.1, xlim = c(25,95), ylim = c(25,95) )
abline(0,1, col="red")

##########  the adjustment greatly reduces variances of ratings 
##########  compare the projection of the panel means onto the respective margins

##########-----  examining the selection of the top 10% of the proposals

pro.names <- matrix(seq(1,nrow(reg),1))

df.reg <- as.data.frame(cbind(pro.names, reg))
colnames(df.reg) <- c("pro", "rating")
df.reg$q.pro <- ecdf(df.reg$rating)(df.reg$rating) 

df.adj <- as.data.frame(cbind(pro.names, adj))
colnames(df.adj) <- c("pro", "rating")
df.adj$q.pro <- ecdf(df.adj$rating)(df.adj$rating)

awards.reg <- df.reg[ which(df.reg$q.pro >= .90) , ]
awards.adj <- df.adj[ which(df.adj$q.pro >= .90) , ]

awards.reg[order(-awards.reg$q.pro) , ]
awards.adj[order(-awards.adj$q.pro) , ]

awards.reg[order(-awards.reg$pro) , ]
awards.adj[order(-awards.adj$pro) , ]

#####  using unadjusted scores, the top 10% of proposals come mostly from one (biased) panel, and the rest are made up of the 
#####  highest scoring proposal (from the biased rater) from the remaining panels.

#####  using the adjusted scores, the top 10% of proposals are made up of the highest scoring proposal (the biased rater) from the 
#####  several panels, and a few proposals from other panels.  Doesn't seem to be a systematic explanation as to why...

#########-----  treating rating data in an ANOVA model

ratings <- do.call("rbind", t.reps[[1]] )
panels <- factor(gl(7,20))

fit <- manova(ratings ~ panels)
summary(fit, test="Wilks")

adj.ratings <- do.call("rbind", adj.rep[[1]] )
adj.fit <- manova(adj.ratings ~ panels)
summary(adj.fit, test="Wilks")

##########-----  thinking... extra ideas for later

##########-----  calculating Mahalanobis distance to identify biased panels

mah.dist = function(dat)
        {md.dat <- as.matrix(mahalanobis(dat, center = colMeans(dat) , cov = cov(dat) ))
         md.pv <- as.matrix(pchisq(md.dat, df = ncol(dat), lower.tail = FALSE))

        out <- cbind(md.dat, md.pv)

        out.2 <- as.data.frame(out)
        colnames(out.2) <- c("MD", "pMD")


