
时间:2020-08-18 07:07:38

标签: javascript discord discord.js


Crashbot.on('message', async message =>{

    //creates an array called args and removes the first amount of charactors equal to the length of the prefix variable
    let args = message.content.substring(PREFIX.length).split(" ");

    //the switch equals true if the first word after the prefix is "leave"
    switch (args[0]) {
        case 'leave':
        //if the message author is not in the same voice channel as the bot the bot replies and tells them that that have to be in the same channel to use that command
        if (message.member.voice.channel.id != Crashbot.voice.channel.id) {
            message.reply("You must be in the same channel as me to use this command");

    //if the message author is in the same voice channel as the bot it leaves the channel it is in
    if (message.member.voice.channel.id === Crashbot.voice.channel.id) {
        const connection = await message.member.voice.channel.leave()
            message.channel.send("Successfully left the voice channel");

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