在pset4恢复中,我已经成功恢复了49个而不是50个JPG,尽管它们看起来还不错,但check50告诉我图像不匹配: :) recovery.c存在。 :) recovery.c编译。 :)处理缺乏取证图像 :(正确恢复000.jpg 恢复的图像不匹配 :(正确恢复中间图像 恢复的图像不匹配 :(可正确恢复049.jpg 049.jpg未找到
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint8_t BYTE;
// Declare a function
int find_start(FILE *ptr);
int find_jpeg(FILE *ptr);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Accept only one command-line argument
if (argc != 2)
printf("Enter the name of the forensic image\n");
return 1;
char *name = argv[1];
FILE *pointer = fopen(name, "r");
// Inform the reader if the file can't be opened
if (pointer == NULL)
printf("File cannot be opened\n");
return 1;
int q = 0;
// Find the signature for the beginning of the first jpeg
int d1 = find_start(pointer);
// Loop
while (q < 50)
if (q == 0)
fseek(pointer, 508, SEEK_CUR);
int e = find_jpeg(pointer);
fseek(pointer, -(e + 512), SEEK_CUR);
BYTE array[e + 512];
fread(array, 1, e + 512, pointer);
// Transfer the jpeg from the array to a new file
char new_name[8];
int o = sprintf(new_name, "%i%i%i.jpg", q / 100, q / 10 - (q / 100) * 100, q - (q / 100) * 100 - (q / 10) * 10);
FILE *out = fopen(new_name, "w");
fwrite(array, 1, e + 512, out);
// Close all files
return 0;
// Define the function for finding the beginning of the first jpeg
int find_start(FILE *ptr)
BYTE i, j, k, l;
int x;
int *count = &x;
*count = 0;
i = fgetc(ptr);
*count = *count + 1;
while (i != 0xff);
j = fgetc(ptr);
while (j != 0xd8);
k = fgetc(ptr);
*count = *count + 1;
while (k != 0xff);
l = fgetc(ptr);
*count = *count + 1;
while (l < 224 || l > 240);
return x;
int find_jpeg(FILE *ptr)
BYTE i, j, k, l;
int x;
int *count = &x;
*count = 0;
i = fgetc(ptr);
j = fgetc(ptr);
k = fgetc(ptr);
l = fgetc(ptr);
fseek(ptr, 508, SEEK_CUR);
*count = *count + 1;
while (i != 0xff || j != 0xd8 || k != 0xff || l < 224 || l > 240);
int a = x * 512;
return a;