ID Month Brand Percentile_rank Summary_findings
10k15z Jul-2018 Bud Light 93.69% Beer consumed by a lot of college students
10k15z Aug-2018 Bud Light 85.57% Beer consumed by a lot of college students
10k15z Sept-2018 Bud Light 97.02% Beer consumed by a lot of college students
zp4523 Jul-2018 Heineken 92.38% High income individuals with education
zp4523 Aug-2018 Heineken 91.98% High income individuals with education
zp4523 Sept-2018 Heineken 96.03% High income individuals with education
co2204 Jul-2018 Corona extra 92.12% Refreshing beer consume at a lot at bars
co2204 Aug-2018 Corona extra 86.00% Refreshing beer consume at a lot at bars
co2204 Sept-2018 Corona extra 78.63% Refreshing beer consume at a lot at bars
10k15z Jul-2019 Bud Light 36.86% Beer consumed by a lot of college students
10k15z Aug-2019 Bud Light 92.75% Beer consumed by a lot of college students
10k15z Sept-2019 Bud Light 43.75% Beer consumed by a lot of college students