
时间:2020-08-11 19:45:50

标签: vba outlook

给定的字符串格式为FirstnameLastname_ABC_11111_500 我需要提取名字,姓氏和500,而忽略其余部分(ABC,随机数和下划线),并将其提取为以下格式的字符串:“名字姓氏/ 500”


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


此代码使用VBA.Split作为分隔符将输入拆分(_)成段,然后逐个字符解析第一部分字符,检测大写字母并在其前添加空格。我的全名由6个单词组成,因此我已经做到了,因此此代码可与所需的尽可能多的单词兼容。 ;)


Option Explicit

Public Function stringExtractor(givenString As String) As String
    If VBA.Len(givenString) > 0 Then    ' If the user enters an empty string, this prevents execution errors
        Dim stringParts() As String
        Dim finalResult As String
        Dim fullName As String
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim currentChar As String
        Dim lastPart As String
        Dim partCount As Integer
        stringParts = VBA.Split(givenString, "_")   ' Gets the original string split into its components, and loaded into stringParts
        fullName = stringParts(0)   ' Gets the name part into a variable of its own
        finalResult = ""
        i = 1
        Do Until i > VBA.Len(fullName)  ' Loops through all the name, to start loading it into the finalResult
            currentChar = VBA.Mid(fullName, i, 1)
            If currentChar = VBA.UCase(currentChar) And VBA.Len(finalResult) <> 0 Then ' If we find an uppercase character and finalResult is not empty (this is not the first word)
                finalResult = finalResult & " " & currentChar                           ' we are entering a new word, and we have to enter both the found character and a blank space
                finalResult = finalResult & currentChar                                ' Else, we're in the same word as before, and we only have to add the found character.
            End If
            i = i + 1
        partCount = UBound(stringParts) ' Get how many parts has the string (zero-based)
        If partCount > 0 Then   ' If there was something else than just the name
            lastPart = stringParts(partCount)   ' Get the last bit of the string
            finalResult = finalResult & " / " & lastPart    ' And attach it to the end result
        End If
    End If
    stringExtractor = finalResult   ' This will return the full name, separating the words with spaces and (if there is one) the number at the end of the original string.
End Function


Option Explicit

Public Function stringExtractor(givenString As String) As String
    If VBA.Len(givenString) > 0 Then    ' If the user enters an empty string, this prevents execution errors
        Dim stringParts() As String
        Dim finalResult As String
        Dim fullName As String
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim currentChar As String
        Dim lastPart As String
        Dim partCount As Integer
        stringParts = VBA.Split(givenString, "_")   ' Gets the original string split into its components, and loaded into stringParts
        If partCount > 0 Then   ' If there was something else than just the name
            fullName = stringParts(0)   ' Gets the name part into a variable of its own
            finalResult = ""
            i = 1
            Do Until i > VBA.Len(fullName)  ' Loops through all the name, to start loading it into the finalResult
                currentChar = VBA.Mid(fullName, i, 1)
                If currentChar = VBA.UCase(currentChar) And VBA.Len(finalResult) <> 0 Then ' If we find an uppercase character and finalResult is not empty (this is not the first word)
                    finalResult = finalResult & " " & currentChar                           ' we are entering a new word, and we have to enter both the found character and a blank space
                    finalResult = finalResult & currentChar                                ' Else, we're in the same word as before, and we only have to add the found character.
                End If
                i = i + 1
            partCount = UBound(stringParts) ' Get how many parts has the string (zero-based)
            lastPart = stringParts(partCount)   ' Get the last bit of the string
            finalResult = finalResult & " / " & lastPart    ' And attach it to the end result
        End If
    End If
    stringExtractor = finalResult   ' This will return the full name, separating the words with spaces and (if there is one) the number at the end of the original string.
End Function
