
时间:2020-08-10 03:10:10

标签: python pandas dataframe


df1 :
I    ID            Status         
0   123            Active   
1   124            Active  
2   125            Inactive   
3   126            Active  
4   128            Inactive  
I    ID            Status         
0   123            Active   
1   124            Inactive 
2   125            Inactive   
3   126            Active  
4   128            Active
5   129            Active  
6   130            Active   
7   131            Active
8   132            Inactive   


df3: (containing all new changes)
I    ID              Status           
1    124             Inactive  
4    128             Active 
5    129             Active  
6    130             Active   
7    131             Active  
df4: (containing all other ‘Active’ one that remained consistent)
I    ID             Status         
0   123             Active     
3   126             Active


Index 1 - active to inactive
Index 4 - inactive to active
Index 5 - new active row
Index 6 - new active row
Index 7 - new active row
Index 8 - new inactive row
Index 0 - remained constant
Index 2 - remained constant
Index 3 - remained constant 

我不知道该如何处理,因为使用合并和合并时,我遇到一个错误,即数据框必须具有相同的大小。基本上,我想做的是找到从df1到df2发生了什么变化以及保持不变的东西。我有2个正在使用的样本数据集,它们具有更多状态,但是想法是相同的。 Here是同时包含两个csv文件的Google工作表,updated_values为df2,original_values为df1。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


df3 = pd.merge(left=df1,right=df2,on='ID',how='outer', indicator=True)

此新df将包含一列“ Status_x”(其值为df1)和“ Status_y”(其值为df2)。 然后,您可以简单地创建一个名为“ change”的新列来存储更改。您可以使用布尔索引来检查哪些列已更改:

new_rows = df3['_merge'] == 'right_only' # True if the IDs were not in df1
constant = df3['Status_x'] == df3['Status_y'] # True if the Status is the same for both Df

df3['change'] = df3['Status_x'] + ' to ' + df3['Status_y'] # String concatenation to show status change. E.g.: 'Active to Inactive'
df3.loc[new_rows,'change'] = 'New active row' #Sets the value for all new rows
df3.loc[constant,'change'] = 'Remained constant' #Sets the value for columns that remained constant