
时间:2020-08-08 12:25:57

标签: python converters

我试图在Python上运行多元线性回归/套索/里奇回归,为此,我必须将数据拆分为训练和测试。但是,当我尝试执行此操作时,出现以下错误消息“ ValueError:无法将字符串转换为float:'阿塞拜疆'”。我的数据集包含每个国家的GDP增长值。这个国家的GDP增长值似乎与其他国家没有区别,因此我不理解该错误背后的原因。 EF1是我的数据集的名称,我的代码如下:

X = EF1.iloc[:, :-1] 
Y = EF1.iloc[:, -1] 

x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( 
    EF1.iloc[:, :-1], EF1.iloc[:, -1],  
    test_size = 0.25) 
print("Train data shape of X = % s and Y = % s : "%( 
    x_train.shape, y_train.shape)) 
print("Test data shape of X = % s and Y = % s : "%( 
    x_test.shape, y_test.shape)) 

# Apply multiple Linear Regression Model 
lreg = LinearRegression() 
lreg.fit(x_train, y_train) 

# Generate Prediction on test set 
lreg_y_pred = lreg.predict(x_test) 
# calculating Mean Squared Error (mse) 
mean_squared_error = np.mean((lreg_y_pred - y_test)**2) 
print("Mean squared Error on test set : ", mean_squared_error) 
# Putting together the coefficient and their corrsponding variable names  
lreg_coefficient = pd.DataFrame() 
lreg_coefficient["Columns"] = x_train.columns 
lreg_coefficient['Coefficient Estimate'] = pd.Series(lreg.coef_) 
print(lreg_coefficient) ```

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