
时间:2020-08-07 18:49:53

标签: parallel-processing cucumber cucumber-java cucumber-serenity

我正在尝试使用Cucumber标签实现并行执行。我在下面附加了功能文件,而不是使用多个功能文件,而是尝试使用黄瓜标签@au,@nl, @nz




 1. browser 1: au (first execute new user, second execution for existing user )
 2. browser 2: nl (first execute new user, second execution for existing user )
 3. browser 3: nz (first execute new user, second execution for existing user )


 @au  @smoke
  Scenario: A new user can place a order
    Given the user is on homepage
    When the user perform checkout
    Then order confirmation page is display
  @au  @smoke
  Scenario: A new user can place a order
    Given the existing user is on homepage
    When the existing user perform checkout
    Then order confirmation page is display
  @nl  @smoke
  Scenario: A new user can place a order
    Given the user is on homepage
    When the user perform checkout
    Then order confirmation page is display
  @nl  @smoke
  Scenario: A new user can place a order
    Given the existing user is on homepage
    When the existing user perform checkout
    Then order confirmation page is display
  @nz  @smoke
  Scenario: A new user can place a order
    Given the user is on homepage
    When the user perform checkout
    Then order confirmation page is display
  @nz  @smoke
  Scenario: A new user can place a order
    Given the existing user is on homepage
    When the existing user perform checkout
    Then order confirmation page is display

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


import io.cucumber.core.cli.main

public class MyRunner {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Main.run(new String[]{
        "--threads", "3",
        "-t", "@au and @nz",
        "-g", "com.your.glue",
      }, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());


  1. 这对我适用于黄瓜6.1.0。
  2. 您甚至可以使用testNG代替main方法。
  3. 您需要注意webdriver线程安全性