Running into my command prompt sending this
Apply begin for authorId 358036749055819779
Apply begin for authorId 358036749055819779
Apply begin for authorId 358036749055819779
const Discord = require("discord.js");
module.exports.run = async (bot, message, args) => {
message.delete({ timeout: 10000 });
let userApplications = {}
bot.on("message", function(message) { ///NEED T
if (message.author.equals(bot.user)) return;
let authorId = message.author.id;
console.log(`Apply begin for authorId ${authorId}`)= { "step" : 1};
// User is not already in a registration process
if (!(authorId in userApplications)) {
userApplications[authorId] = { "step" : 1}
message.author.send("```We need to ask some questions so we can know a litte bit about yourself```");
message.author.send("```What is your light level and the total amount of hours you have played destiny?``` https://wastedondestiny.com/");
else {
if (message.channel.type === "dm" && authorId in userApplications) {
let authorApplication = userApplications[authorId];
if (authorApplication.step == 1 ) {
authorApplication.answer1 = message.content;
message.author.send("```Whats is your timezone?```");
authorApplication.step ++;
else if (authorApplication.step == 2) {
authorApplication.answer2 = message.content;
message.author.send("```How many days of the week do you play destiny?```");
authorApplication.step ++;
else if (authorApplication.step == 3) {
authorApplication.answer3 = message.content;
message.author.send("```What raids have you completed and how many times?``` https://raid.report/");
authorApplication.step ++;
else if (authorApplication.step == 4) {
authorApplication.answer4 = message.content;
message.author.send("```Do you belive in helping others even if you get nothing in return?```");
authorApplication.step ++;
else if (authorApplication.step == 5) {
authorApplication.answer5 = message.content;
message.author.send("```What is your reason for wanting to join FearTheWise?```");
authorApplication.step ++;
else if (authorApplication.step == 6) {
authorApplication.answer6 = message.content;
message.author.send("```What is your PSN?```");
authorApplication.step ++;
else if (authorApplication.step == 7) {
authorApplication.answer7 = message.content;
message.author.send("```Are you over 18 years of age?```");
authorApplication.step ++;
else if (authorApplication.step == 8) {
authorApplication.answer8 = message.content;
message.author.send("```Thanks for your registration. Type !apply to register again```");
let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('<:fearthewise:637422744610537492>-------Clan Application-------<:fearthewise:637422744610537492>')
.addFields({name:'What is your light level and the total amount of hours you have played destiny? https://wastedondestiny.com/ ', value: `${authorApplication.answer1}`},)
.addFields({name: 'Whats is your timezone? ', value: `${authorApplication.answer2}`},)
.addFields({name: 'How many days of the week do you play destiny?', value: `${authorApplication.answer3}`},)
.addFields({name: 'What raids have you completed and how many times? https://raid.report/', value: `${authorApplication.answer4}`},)
.addFields({name: 'Do you belive in helping others even if you get nothing in return?', value: `${authorApplication.answer5}`},)
.addFields({name: 'What is your reason for wanting to join FearTheWise?', value: `${authorApplication.answer6}`},)
.addFields({name: 'What is your PSN?', value: `${authorApplication.answer7}`},)
.addFields({name: 'Are you over 18 years of age?', value: `${authorApplication.answer8}`},)
.addField("Applicant Username", `${message.author.username}#${message.author.discriminator}`)
.setFooter("Bot created by James (Rock)₇₇₇",);
//before deleting, you can send the answers to a specific channel by ID
.send(embed).then(async msg => {
await msg.react('?');
await msg.react('?');
await msg.react('?');
await msg.react('?️');
const threshold = 6;
async function stop(result) {
const newEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed(msg.embeds[0]);
newEmbed.title = newEmbed.title + ' [CLOSED]';
newEmbed.fields[0] = { name: 'Status', value: 'Voting is now closed.\n' + result };
await msg.edit(newEmbed);
async function update() {
const newEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed(embed);
const userYes = (votes['?'].size === 0)? '-' : [...votes['?']];
const userNo = (votes['?'].size === 0)? '-' : [...votes['?']];
const userUnsure = (votes['?'].size === 0)? '-' : [...votes['?']];
{ name: `Votes Yes (${votes['?'].size}/${threshold})`, value: userYes, inline: true },
{ name: `Votes No (${votes['?'].size}/${threshold})`, value: userNo, inline: true },
{ name: 'Vote unsure', value: userUnsure, inline: true }
await msg.edit(newEmbed);
if (votes['?'].size >= threshold) {
await stop('This answer is good enough to get accepted and an upvote.');
// do something
} else if (votes['?'].size >= threshold) {
await stop('This answer is not good enough to get accepted and an upvote.');
// do something
const votes = {
'?': new Set(),
'?': new Set(),
'?': new Set(),
'?️': new Set()
const collector = msg.createReactionCollector((reaction, user) => !user.bot , { dispose: true });
collector.on('collect', async (reaction, user) => {
if (['?', '?', '?', '?️'].includes(reaction.emoji.name)) {
const userReactions = msg.reactions.cache.filter(reaction => reaction.users.cache.has(user.id));
for (const userReaction of userReactions.values()) {
if (userReaction.emoji.name !== reaction.emoji.name || reaction.emoji.name === '?️') {
} else {
collector.on('remove', (reaction, user) => {
delete userApplications[authorId];
module.exports.help = {
name: "apply"
答案 0 :(得分:0)
尝试changing your bot token。您的漫游器可能正在运行多次,并且所有实例都在响应。如果更改令牌后仍然发生这种情况,请尝试在终端中使用client.destroy()或cmd + Z(杀死脚本)。