Swift协议和返回“ some View”的方法

时间:2020-08-03 01:00:00

标签: swift swiftui

因此,协议不支持some View作为返回类型...我正在尝试:

public extension View {
    func popSheet(isPresented: Binding<Bool>, arrowEdge: Edge = .bottom, content: @escaping () -> PopSheet) -> some View {
        Group {
            if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad {
                popover(isPresented: isPresented, attachmentAnchor: .rect(.bounds), arrowEdge: arrowEdge, content: {
            } else {
                actionSheet(isPresented: isPresented, content: {

protocol PopSheet {
    func actionSheet() -> ActionSheet
    associatedtype View
    func popover() -> View


Method must be declared internal because its parameter uses an internal type

Protocol 'PopSheet' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements

Member 'popover' cannot be used on value of protocol type 'PopSheet'; use a generic constraint instead

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



public protocol PopSheet {
    associatedtype V: View   // Create a new type that conforms to View
    func actionSheet() -> ActionSheet
    func popover() -> V


func popSheet<Sheet: PopSheet>(isPresented: Binding<Bool>, 
                               arrowEdge: Edge = .bottom, 
                               content: @escaping () -> Sheet) -> some View {


答案 1 :(得分:0)

对于const words = (w1, w2, w3) => { let ar = [w1, w2, w3] return ar.reduce((a, i) => i.length < a ? i.length : ar[0].length) } let output = words('hi', 'hello', 'good') console.log(output) // --> 2问题,原因是:


当我们尝试直接引用通用协议时会发生这种情况,即具有相关类型或要求符合类型(use a generic constraint instead所指)的协议。例如,内置的Self协议在其声明中使用Equatable


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