
时间:2011-06-11 22:09:35

标签: python pycharm code-completion type-hinting

对于构造函数,赋值和方法调用,PyCharm IDE非常擅长分析我的源代码并确定每个变量应该是什么类型。我喜欢它,因为它给了我很好的代码完成和参数信息,如果我尝试访问一个不存在的属性,它会给我警告。


class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age

peasant = Person("Dennis", 37)
# PyCharm knows that the "peasant" variable is of type Person
peasant.dig_filth()   # shows warning -- Person doesn't have a dig_filth method

class King:
    def repress(self, peasant):
        # PyCharm has no idea what type the "peasant" parameter should be
        peasant.knock_over()   # no warning even though knock_over doesn't exist

# Even if I call the method once with a Person instance, PyCharm doesn't
# consider that to mean that the "peasant" parameter should always be a Person


有没有办法可以给PyCharm一个提示,然后说“psst,这个参数应该是X型”? (或者,或许,在动态语言的精神中,“这个参数应该像X一样嘎嘎”?我会好的。)

编辑: CrazyCoder的答案如下,诀窍。对于像我这样想要快速摘要的新手,请点击这里:

class King:
    def repress(self, peasant):
        Exploit the workers by hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which
        perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society.

        @type peasant: Person
        @param peasant: Person to repress.
        peasant.knock_over()   # Shows a warning. And there was much rejoicing.

相关部分是文档字符串的@type peasant: Person行。

如果你也去File>设置> Python集成工具并将“Docstring格式”设置为“Epytext”,然后是PyCharm的View>快速文档查找将打印参数信息,而不是按原样打印所有@ -lines。

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:81)

是的,您可以为方法及其参数使用特殊的文档格式,以便PyCharm可以知道类型。最近的PyCharm版本supports most common doc formats

例如,PyCharm从@param style comments中提取类型。

另见reStructuredTextdocstring conventions(PEP 257)。

另一个选项是Python 3注释。

refer to the PyCharm documentation section了解更多详情和样本。

答案 1 :(得分:45)

如果您使用的是Python 3.0或更高版本,则还可以对函数和参数使用注释。 PyCharm会将这些解释为参数或返回值预期具有的类型:

class King:
    def repress(self, peasant: Person) -> bool:
        peasant.knock_over() # Shows a warning. And there was much rejoicing.

        return peasant.badly_hurt() # Lets say, its not known from here that this method will always return a bool


>>> King.repress.__annotations__
{'peasant': <class '__main__.Person'>, 'return': <class 'bool'>}

更新:从PEP 484开始,已经接受了Python 3.5,它也是使用注释指定参数和返回类型的官方约定。

答案 2 :(得分:4)

PyCharm从@type pydoc字符串中提取类型。请参阅PyCharm文档herehere以及Epydoc docs。它属于“遗产”。 PyCharm的一部分,也许它缺乏一些功能。

class King:
    def repress(self, peasant):
        Exploit the workers by hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which
        perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society.

        @type peasant: Person
        @param peasant: Person to repress.
        peasant.knock_over()   # Shows a warning. And there was much rejoicing.

相关部分是文档字符串的@type peasant: Person行。


答案 3 :(得分:1)

我使用PyCharm Professional 2016.1编写py2.6-2.7代码,我发现使用reStructuredText我可以用更简洁的方式表达类型:

class Replicant(object):

class Hunter(object):
    def retire(self, replicant):
        """ Retire the rogue or non-functional replicant.
        :param Replicant replicant: the replicant to retire.
        replicant.knock_over()  # Shows a warning.


答案 4 :(得分:1)


def my_function(an_int):
    assert isinstance(an_int, int)
    # Pycharm now knows that an_int is of type int