我刚刚了解了JavaScript Proxies。我正在阅读一个试图重新创建jQuery的教程。我了解整个代码。最后,讲师-编码花园的CJ说我们可以使用代理。 (this is the youtube tutoriall)
const makeNiceCollection = (collection) => {
collection.each = (callback) => { // 27:05
collection.forEach((element, i) =>{ // each === forEach
// then "this" = window. So bind it to element instead
const boundFn = callback.bind(element)
boundFn(i, element) // then run the callback
collection.on = (eventName, handler) => {
collection.forEach(element => {
element.addEventListener(eventName, handler)
collection.css = (...cssArgs) => {
if(typeof cssArgs[0] === 'string'){
const [property, value] = cssArgs;
collection.forEach((element) => {
element.style[property] = value
} else if(typeof cssArgs[0] === 'object'){
const cssProps = Object.entries(cssArgs[0]);
collection.forEach(element => {
cssProps.forEach(([property, value]) => {
element.style[property] = value
const $ = (...args) => {
if(typeof args[0] === 'function') {
const readyFn = args[0]
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', readyFn)
} else if (typeof args[0] === 'string'){
const selector = args[0]
// look up querySelectorAll and you'll find it's a node list
const collection = document.querySelectorAll(selector)
return collection
} else if (args[0] instanceof HTMLElement){
// or (typeof args[0] === 'object' && args[0].constructor.name.startsWith('HTML'))
// 35:07
const collection = [args[0]]
return collection