
时间:2020-07-30 11:02:42

标签: asynchronous f#

我是一位对学习F#感兴趣的C#开发人员。我有一个简单的AWS lambda函数,当用户将一个或多个新文件上传到S3存储时会触发该函数。然后解析每个文件,并将其内容发送到API网关。


namespace MyProject

open Amazon.Lambda.Core
open Amazon
open Amazon.S3
open Amazon.S3.Util
open System.IO
open Amazon.S3.Model
open Amazon.SecretsManager.Extensions.Caching

[<assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof<Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer>)>]

type Function() =    
    member __.FunctionHandler (input: S3EventNotification) (_: ILambdaContext) =        
        async {
            use client = new AmazonS3Client(RegionEndpoint.EUWest1)
            use secretsCache = new SecretsManagerCache()

            // ApiClient.authenticate: SecretManagerCache -> Async<string>
            // Sends a POST request to the API in order to obtain an authentication token
            let! token = ApiClient.authenticate secretsCache

            // ApiClient.getExistingIds: SecretManagerCache -> Async<string[]>
            // Gets a list of already existing IDs from the API
            let! existingIds = ApiClient.getExistingIds secretsCache

            // input.Records is a C# List<S3EventNotificationRecord>
            for record in input.Records do
                // MyParser.processFile: AmazonS3Client -> S3EventNotificationRecord -> Async<MyJsonModel list>
                // Downloads the actual contents of the file specified in the S3EventNotification
                // and parses it using an FSharp.Data.JsonProvider into individual items
                let! json = MyParser.processFile client record

                // Split the items into a list that should be updated and a list that should be created
                let (putList, postList) = json
                                |> List.partition (fun item ->
                                  Array.contains item.Id existingIds)
                for item in putList do
                    // ApiClient.putLocation: string -> SecretsManagerCache -> MyJsonModel -> Async<unit>
                    // Tries to PUT an item and writes the result into logs
                    ApiClient.putLocation token secretsCache item
                    |> ignore

                for item in postList do
                    // ApiClient.postLocation: string -> SecretsManagerCache -> MyJsonModel -> Async<unit>
                    // Tries to POST an item and writes the result into logs
                    ApiClient.postLocation token secretsCache item
                    |> ignore
        } //??? What to put here? Async.RunSynchronously?


  1. 首先,我需要获取API的身份验证令牌。
  2. 然后,我需要从API获取一个已经存在的项目(或其ID)的列表。
  3. 接下来,我加载并解析每个上传的文件。这可以并行完成(可能使用Async.Parallel
  4. 每个文件都会生成一个项目列表,然后将其分为一个要更新的列表和一个要创建的列表。
  5. 然后将putListpostList中的所有项目发送到API。记录每个请求的结果。这两个列表也可以并行处理。


最后,我已经在调用几个Async.AwaitTask函数来转换Task<T>AmazonS3Client对象提供的C#SecretsManagerCache对象。 Async.AwaitTask只是将Task<T>转换为Async<T>,还是以某种方式改变了异步计算的流程?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您的函数应使用异步签名,因为它会按照aws doc进行长时间处理:

member __.FunctionHandler ... : Threading.Tasks.Task<'T>


async {
   return true
|> Async.StartAsTask

在函数内部,每次有Seq<Async 'T>并需要Async<'T[]>时,都可以使用Async.Parallel。在您的情况下,您有Seq<Async<unit>>,因此您需要使用Async.ignore忽略结果。


do!   putList
      |>Seq.map (ApiClient.putLocation token secretsCache)


