
时间:2020-07-30 03:45:53

标签: javascript unit-testing cypress


describe('run test', () => {
  const data = require('../fixtures/my.json');
  it('foo', () {


describe('run test', () => {
  const file = Cypress.env('file');
  const data = require('../fixtures/' + file);
  data.forEach((entry) => {
    it(`foo testing ${entry}`, () {
     ... run a test based on `entry`

从命令行通过$(npm bin)/cypress run ... --env file=my.json调用cypress时。在提供file参数的示例中,显示未找到文件错误消息(具有与硬编码文件名示例相同的文件路径)。我相信这是因为require()不会在运行时得到解析(但是之前并不能接受动态参数),但是我不确定100%,并且还会考虑使用一种替代方法来读取文件。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这是动态测试用例创建规范的基本结构。它由环境变量和文件的组合填充。环境变量ids中的元素为各个测试用例的参数指定键,这些参数在单独的文件中提供(也通过环境变量指定)。 ids通过外部脚本进行序列化和定界。


$(npm bin)/cypress run --config-file cypress.json --headless --env ids=foo@bar@blah,paramsFile=myParamfile.json


let paramsFile = Cypress.env('paramsFile');
let ids = Cypress.env('ids');

describe('My test', () => {
  let params;

  before(() => {
    cy.task('readFileMaybe', paramsFile).then(fileContent => {
      if (fileContent === null) {
        throw new Error(`Could not find file ${paramsFile}.`);
      // params = {id1: testcaseParam2, id2: testcaseParam2, ...}
      // `testcaseParamX` are objects or arrays and can therefore not be passed
      // easily into the test case via environment variables.
      params = JSON.parse(fileContent);

  // `ids` is a string -> needs to be split
  // e.g. `ids.split(delim).forEach(...)` to actually run.
  ids.forEach(id => {
    // Create test case.
    it(`test case for ${id}`, () => {
      let param = params[id];

      // run assertions here...


module.exports = (on, config) => {
  on('task', {
    // Needs to be done through a task, as we can't access `fs` in test case
    // (this task runs in Node which allows use of external libraries).
    readFileMaybe(filename) {
      // console.log('Loading ', filename);
      if (fs.existsSync(filename)) {
        return fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
      // console.log('Could not find ', filename);
      return null;
