要求:我有一堆EC2。我正在根据标签分组。在此示例中,组总数= 4,每个组具有7个EC2:1个父代-6个子代。在这里,我要分享孩子的代码,这个孩子的命名很重要。
工作代码:在这里,我正在共享子EC2代码,该代码与名为:ws_to_Child_Node_name_map_count的地图类型的输入变量完全兼容。现在,我希望它具有可伸缩性(父子级数),因此我希望使用“在本地人中动态创建的地图”而不是使用输入变量。 main.tf
resource "aws_instance" "ec2_instance_child" {
count = var.ec2_instance_child_count
tags = {
NodeName = "${lookup(var.ws_to_Child_Node_name_map_count, count.index+1, 99)}"
variable "ws_to_Child_Node_name_map_count" {
type = map
default = {
variable "ec2_instance_child_count" {
description = "Number of instances to run"
default = "24" #number of group *6
variable "child_count" {
default = 6
variable "group_count" {
default = 4
答案 0 :(得分:1)
locals {
childs = 24
group = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
# Here's the hack! The null_resource has a map called triggers that we can set to arbitrary values.
# We can also use count to create a list of null_resources. By accessing the triggers map inside of
# that list, we get our list of maps! See the output variable below.
resource "null_resource" "res" {
count = local.childs+1
triggers = {
parent = "${count.index}"
child = "${element(local.group, count.index)}"
# And here's the result! We have a dynamic list of maps. I'm just outputting it here
output "map" {
value = "${null_resource.res.*.triggers}"
您可以尝试创建main.tf并运行terraform init
terraform apply
map = [
"child" = "1"
"parent" = "0"
"child" = "2"
"parent" = "1"
"child" = "3"
"parent" = "2"
"child" = "4"
"parent" = "3"
"child" = "5"
"parent" = "4"
"child" = "6"
"parent" = "5"
"child" = "1"
"parent" = "6"
"child" = "2"
"parent" = "7"
"child" = "3"
"parent" = "8"
"child" = "4"
"parent" = "9"
"child" = "5"
"parent" = "10"
"child" = "6"
"parent" = "11"
"child" = "1"
"parent" = "12"
"child" = "2"
"parent" = "13"
"child" = "3"
"parent" = "14"
"child" = "4"
"parent" = "15"
"child" = "5"
"parent" = "16"
"child" = "6"
"parent" = "17"
"child" = "1"
"parent" = "18"
"child" = "2"
"parent" = "19"
"child" = "3"
"parent" = "20"
"child" = "4"
"parent" = "21"
"child" = "5"
"parent" = "22"
"child" = "6"
"parent" = "23"
"child" = "1"
"parent" = "24"
如果要检查每个父母和每个孩子(可以使用本地人) 您可以创建2个这样的循环:
locals {
childs = 24
group = 6
result = {
for j in range(1, local.childs + 1) : j => [
for i in range(1, local.group + 1) : {
child = i,
parent = j
"1" = [
"child" = 1
"parent" = 1
"child" = 2
"parent" = 1
"child" = 3
"parent" = 1
"child" = 4
"parent" = 1
"child" = 5
"parent" = 1
"child" = 6
"parent" = 1
"2" = [
"child" = 1
"parent" = 2
"child" = 2
"parent" = 2
"child" = 3
"parent" = 2
"child" = 4
"parent" = 2
"child" = 5
"parent" = 2
"child" = 6
"parent" = 2
答案 1 :(得分:1)
您在此处编写的映射表似乎正在描述modulo operation的变体,该变体从1开始计数而不是从0开始计数。
variable "child_count" {
default = 6
variable "group_count" {
default = 4
resource "aws_instance" "example" {
count = var.child_count * var.group_count
tags = {
# The % symbol is Terraform's modulo operator
NodeName = ((count.index - 1) % var.child_count) + 1
以上表达式中的- 1
和+ 1
允许您使用基于一的计数而不是基于零的计数。对于从零开始的数字,它将减少为count.index % var.child_count
locals {
lookup_table = {
for n in range(1, (var.child_count * var.group_count) + 1) :
n => ((n - 1) % var.child_count) + 1
这使用the range
function从1到您的总计数进行计数,然后生成一个映射,该映射在结果的每个元素中包含一个元素,其中值是我在{{ 1}}上方。
从Terraform 0.12开始,永远不需要使用resource
表达式语法现在可以满足相同的用例。 / p>