function measureRequiredFruit(fruitTotals) {
if (fruitTotals[bananas] > 3 && fruitTotals[strawberries] > 10){// if there are more than 3 bananas and more than 10 strawberries
return 'We have enough fruit, with " + totalBananas + " bananas, and " + totalStrawberries + " strawberries';// return 'We have enough fruit, with {totalBananas} bananas, and {totalStrawberries} strawberries'
else{// otherwise
return 'We do not have enough of both fruits';// return 'We do not have enough of both fruits'
var result1 = measureRequiredFruit({bananas: 4, strawberries: 12});
console.log('should log "We have enough fruit, with 4 bananas, and 12 strawberries":', result1);