
时间:2011-06-10 15:12:12

标签: wolfram-mathematica togglebutton


以下示例是Belisarius提出的解决方案:"Can TogglerBar be used as multiple CheckBox in Mathematica ?"


{White, Circle[{5, 5}, r]},(*For Mma 7 compatibility*)
If[MemberQ[whatToDisplay, "I am a Circle"],
{Red, Circle[{5, 5}, r]}],
If[MemberQ[whatToDisplay, "and I am a very nice Square"], {Blue,
Rectangle[{5, 5}, {r, r}]}],
If[MemberQ[whatToDisplay, "Other"], {Black,
 Line[Tuples[{3, 4}, 2]]}]
PlotRange -> {{0, 20}, {0, 10}}
{{r, 1, Style["Radius", Black, Bold, 12]}, 1, 5, 1,
ControlType -> Slider,
ControlPlacement -> Top},  
Control@{{whatToDisplay, True,
Style["What", Black, Bold, 12]}, {"I am a Circle",
"and I am a very nice Square", "Other"},
ControlType -> TogglerBar,
Appearance -> "Horizontal",
ControlPlacement -> Top}]

enter image description here


enter image description here

enter image description here

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

Mathematica 8介绍了Overlay,它允许多个表达式轻松地叠加在彼此之上。加上Invisible(来自第6版),我们拥有所有必要的成分,可以轻松地同步所有按钮尺寸,而无需计算空间或像素。以下代码说明了它们的用法,并强调了相关部分:

DynamicModule[{options, allLabels, size, pad}
, options =
    { "I am a Circle" -> {Red, Circle[{5, 5}, size]}
    , "and I am a very nice Square" -> {Blue, Rectangle[{5, 5}, {size, size}]}
    , "Other" -> {Black, Line[Tuples[{3, 4}, 2]]}
; allLabels = options[[All, 1]]
; pad[label_] :=
    Overlay[Append[Invisible /@ allLabels, label], Alignment -> Center]
; Manipulate[
    Graphics[what /. options /. size -> r, PlotRange -> {{0, 20}, {0, 10}}]
  , {{r, 1, "Radius"}, 1, 5, 1}
  , {{what, {}, "What"}, # -> pad[#] & /@ allLabels, TogglerBar}

Manipulate result


pad[label_] :=
  Overlay[Append[Invisible /@ allLabels, label], Alignment -> Center]



{{what, {}, "What"}, # -> pad[#] & /@ allLabels, TogglerBar}

请注意,标签以value -> label形式指定,以允许值保留其原始格式,而OverlayInvisible说明符不会pad添加。

答案 1 :(得分:4)


 Graphics[{{White, Circle[{5, 5}, r]},(*For Mma 7 compatibility*)
   If[MemberQ[whatToDisplay, "I am a Circle"], {Red, Circle[{5, 5}, r]}], 
   If[MemberQ[whatToDisplay, "and I am a very nice Square"],
                                               {Blue, Rectangle[{5, 5}, {r, r}]}], 
   If[MemberQ[whatToDisplay, "Other"], {Black, Line[Tuples[{3, 4}, 2]]}]}, 
  PlotRange -> {{0, 20}, {0, 10}}],
  {{r, 1, Style["Radius", Black, Bold, 12]}, 1, 5, 1, ControlType -> Slider, 
                                                 ControlPlacement -> Top}, 

 Control@{{whatToDisplay, True, Style["What", Black, Bold, 12]}, 
           (# ->  Panel[#, ImageSize -> 150, FrameMargins -> 0, 
                           Background -> White, 
                           Alignment -> Center]) & /@ 
           {"I am a Circle",  "and I am a very nice Square", "Other"}, 
           ControlType -> TogglerBar,
           Appearance -> "Horizontal", 
           ControlPlacement -> Top}]

enter image description here



(* get the Image Size first*)
ley = {"I am a Circle", "and I am  Square", "Other"};
sZ = Max[Dimensions[ImageData[Rasterize[#][[1]]]][[2]] & /@ ley];

 {{White, Circle[{5, 5}, r]},(*For Mma 7 compatibility*)
   If[MemberQ[whatToDisplay, "I am a Circle"], 
                                     {Red, Circle[{5, 5}, r]}], 
   If[MemberQ[whatToDisplay, "and I am a very nice Square"],
                                     {Blue, Rectangle[{5, 5}, {r, r}]}], 
   If[MemberQ[whatToDisplay, "Other"], 
                                     {Black, Line[Tuples[{3, 4}, 2]]}]}, 
  PlotRange -> {{0, 20}, {0, 10}}],

 (*Controls Follow *)

 {{r, 1, Style["Radius", Black, Bold, 12]}, 1, 5, 1, 
    ControlType      -> Slider, 
    ControlPlacement -> Top }, 

  Control@{{whatToDisplay, True, Style["What", Black, Bold, 12]},
    (# -> Panel[#, ImageSize    -> sZ, 
                   FrameMargins -> 0, 
                   Background   -> White, 
                   Alignment    -> Center]) & /@ ley,
     ControlType      -> TogglerBar, 
     Appearance       -> "Horizontal", 
     ControlPlacement -> Top}]

答案 2 :(得分:3)

Mathematica可能会在某处做出选择,但我不知道。所以,这是一个建议的解决方案: 首先,它左右填充一个字符串,使其长度为n

strpad[str_String, n_] := Module[
{strlength, exc, excr},
    strlength = StringLength@str;
    exc = Floor[(n - strlength)/2];
    excr = n - strlength - exc;
        Table[" ", {i, exc}],
        StringJoin[Table[" ", {i, excr}]]]]

然后,修改您的程序,以便您使用这些填充字符串或在Rule[#, strpad[#, 30]] & /@之前添加{"I am a Circle", "and I am a very nice Square", "Other"},以便您的代码成为

   Graphics[{{White, Circle[{5, 5}, r]},(*For Mma 7 compatibility*)
 If[MemberQ[whatToDisplay, "I am a Circle"], {Red, 
 Circle[{5, 5}, r]}], 
  If[MemberQ[whatToDisplay, "and I am a very nice Square"], {Blue, 
 Rectangle[{5, 5}, {r, r}]}], 
  If[MemberQ[whatToDisplay, "Other"], {Black, 
 Line[Tuples[{3, 4}, 2]]}]}, 
 PlotRange -> {{0, 20}, {0, 10}}], {{r, 1, 
  Style["Radius", Black, Bold, 12]}, 1, 5, 1, ControlType -> Slider, 
 ControlPlacement -> Top}, 
Control@{{whatToDisplay, True, Style["What", Black, Bold, 12]}, 
  Rule[#, strpad[#, 30]] & /@ {"I am a Circle", "and I am a very nice Square", "Other"},ControlType -> TogglerBar, Appearance -> "Horizontal", 
 ControlPlacement -> Top}]