
时间:2020-07-23 00:44:42

标签: javascript string


示例字符串Highest ranked in the states

我希望我的返回值为Highest ranked


let myString = "Highest ranked in the states";

myString = myString.substring(2, myString.lastIndexOf(" "));


let myString2 = "I want to remove the last word";
let mySplitResult2 = myString2.split(" ");
let lastWord =  mySplitResult2[mySplitResult2.length-3] 


通过将子字符串方法调整为(2, myString.lastIndexOf(" "));,最终删除了我句子的前两个字母,只删除了states一词,例如“来宾排名”。

将.split()方法的长度调整为-3时,它只是返回单词in而不是in the states

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


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您可以通过以下方式轻松地将其概括为const remove3words = words => words.split(" ").slice(0, -3).join(" "); console.log(remove3words("Highest ranked in the states")); console.log(remove3words("Exactly three words"));个单词:


答案 1 :(得分:0)


let myString = "Highest ranked in the states";
//split the str using blank space between each word and add to new variable
let str = myString.split(" ");
//get the length 
let num = str.length;
//splice the array removing the last three values with the number - 3
let newStr = str.splice(0, num - 3);

let displayText = '';
//back into string
  displayText += value + ' ';
display.textContent = displayText;
<div id="display"></div>

答案 2 :(得分:0)

let myString = "Highest ranked in the states";

myString = myString.split(' ')
myString = myString.splice(myString.length-5,2)
myString = myString.join(' ')


答案 3 :(得分:0)

这是可以为您完成此功能的功能。 (实际上,它可以从您指定的任何字符的倒数第二个字符中删除所有字符,而不仅仅是倒数第二个单词。)


  • char参数应获取值' ' (即单词之间的空格)
  • N应该获得值3 (以倒数第三位为目标)

我添加了一个 excludeChar参数,您可以将其设置为true ,以避免返回最终空格(或者您可以对结果使用.trim方法)。

  myString = "Highest ranked in the states",
  result = truncateAtNthToLastOccurencOfChar(myString, ' ', 3);

function truncateAtNthToLastOccurencOfChar(str, char, N, excludeChar){

  // Makes counter,  converts str to arr & reverses it
  let i = -1, rev = Array.from(str).reverse();

  // Increments counter (and executes even when i=0)
  while(++i || true){

    // Returns original string if at the end `char` has occured fewer than `N` times
    if(i >= rev.length - 1){
      return str;

    // If current character matches `char`, decrements `N`
    if(rev[i] == char && --N === 0){

      // If N=0, `i` is our target, all keeps characters (from reversed array)
      //   starting at `i` (or after `i` if excludeChar=true)
      return rev
        // The occurence of char can be excluded from result
        .slice(excludeChar ? (i + 1) : i)
        .reverse() // Restores original character order
        .join(''); // Converts back to string