对“函数double getSales(float)已包含主体”感到困惑

时间:2020-07-16 20:56:21

标签: c++ function


编写一个程序来确定公司的四个部门(东北, 东南,西北和西南)的销售量达到了四分之一。这应该 包括以下两个由main调用的函数。

•double getSales()传递了部门名称。它要求用户提供部门的 季度销售数字,验证输入,然后返回。应该为它调用一次 每个部门。

•void findHighest()传递了四个销售总额。它确定哪个是最大的 并打印高收入部门的名称以及其销售数字。

输入验证:不接受少于$ 0.00的美元金额。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

double getSales(float);
void findHighest(float, float, float, float);

int main()
    float Northeast;
    float Southeast;
    float Northwest;
    float Southwest;
    findHighest(Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, Southwest);

double getSales(float Northeast)
    cout << "Enter the quarter sales for the Northeast division: $";
    cin >> Northeast;
    while (Northeast < 0)
        cout << "Invalid input! Please enter a positive number!";
        cin >> Northeast;
    return Northeast;

double getSales(float Southeast)
    cout << "Enter the quarter sales for the Southeast division: $";
    cin >> Southeast;
    while (Southeast < 0)
        cout << "Invalid input! Please enter a positive number!";
        cin >> Southeast;
    return Southeast;

double getSales(float Northwest)
    cout << "Enter the quarter sales for the Northwest division: $";
    cin >> Northwest;
    while (Northwest < 0)
        cout << "Invalid input! Please enter a positive number!";
        cin >> Northwest;
    return Northwest;

double getSales(float Southwest)
    cout << "Enter the quarter sales for the Southwest division: $";
    cin >> Southwest;
    while (Southwest < 0)
        cout << "Invalid input! Please enter a positive number!";
        cin >> Southwest;
    return Southwest;

void findHighest(float Northeast, float Southeast, float Northwest, float Southwest)
    if (Northeast > Southeast && Northeast > Northwest && Northeast > Southwest)
        cout << "Northeast is the highest grossing division!";
    else if (Southeast > Northeast && Southeast > Northwest && Southeast > Southwest)
        cout << "Southeast is the highest grossing division!";
    else if (Northwest > Northeast && Northwest > Southeast && Northwest > Southwest)
        cout << "Northwest is the highest grossing division!";
    else if (Southwest > Northeast&& Southwest > Southeast&& Southwest > Northwest)
        cout << "Southwest is the highest grossing division!";
        cout << "There is a tie between 2 or more divisions for the highest grossing division!";

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您不能同时拥有double getSales(float Southwest)double getSales(float Northwest)


antartica = 3.0;
double money = getSales(antartica);


double getSales(const char* areaName)
    float area;
    cout << "Enter the quarter sales for the " << areaName << " division: $";
    cin >> area;
    while (area < 0)
        cout << "Invalid input! Please enter a positive number!";
        cin >> area;
    return area;

Northeast = getSales("Northeast");
Southeast = getSales("Southeast");
Northwest = getSales("Northwest");
Southwest = getSales("Southwest");


