CDAP DataFusion GET管道运行无效的IAP凭据错误

时间:2020-07-16 15:12:44

标签: google-cloud-dataflow jwt-auth google-cloud-data-fusion google-iap cdap

我正在尝试进行GET API调用以获取特定的管道运行历史记录。 API URL如下

gcloud print-access-token

此API调用需要我通过命令行获取的访问令牌 #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <utility> #include <numeric> #include <vector> #include <random> std::mt19937 gen(std::random_device{}()); enum class Color { Red, Black }; template <typename T> struct Node { T key; Color color; std::unique_ptr<Node<T>> left; std::unique_ptr<Node<T>> right; Node<T>* parent; Node(const T& key) : key {key}, parent {nullptr}, color {Color::Red} {} }; template <typename T> struct RBTree { public: std::unique_ptr<Node<T>> root; private: void LeftRotate(std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>&& x) { auto y = std::move(x->right); x->right = std::move(y->left); if (x->right) { x->right->parent = x.get(); } y->parent = x->parent; auto xp = x->parent; if (!xp) { auto px = x.release(); root = std::move(y); root->left = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(px); root->left->parent = root.get(); } else if (x == xp->left) { auto px = x.release(); xp->left = std::move(y); xp->left->left = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(px); xp->left->left->parent = xp->left.get(); } else { auto px = x.release(); xp->right = std::move(y); xp->right->left = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(px); xp->right->left->parent = xp->right.get(); } } void RightRotate(std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>&& x) { auto y = std::move(x->left); x->left = std::move(y->right); if (x->left) { x->left->parent = x.get(); } y->parent = x->parent; auto xp = x->parent; if (!xp) { auto px = x.release(); root = std::move(y); root->right = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(px); root->right->parent = root.get(); } else if (x == xp->left) { auto px = x.release(); xp->left = std::move(y); xp->left->right = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(px); xp->left->right->parent = xp->left.get(); } else { auto px = x.release(); xp->right = std::move(y); xp->right->right = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(px); xp->right->right->parent = xp->right.get(); } } public: Node<T>* Search(const T& key) { return Search(root.get(), key); } void Insert(const T& key) { auto z = std::make_unique<Node<T>>(key); Insert(std::move(z)); } void Delete(const T& key) { auto z = Search(key); Delete(z); } private: Node<T>* Search(Node<T>* x, const T& key) { if (!x || x->key == key) { return x; } if (key < x->key) { return Search(x->left.get(), key); } else { return Search(x->right.get(), key); } } void Insert(std::unique_ptr<Node<T>> z) { Node<T>* y = nullptr; Node<T>* x = root.get(); while (x) { y = x; if (z->key < x->key) { x = x->left.get(); } else { x = x->right.get(); } } z->parent = y; if (!y) { root = std::move(z); InsertFixup(std::move(root)); } else if (z->key < y->key) { y->left = std::move(z); InsertFixup(std::move(y->left)); } else { y->right = std::move(z); InsertFixup(std::move(y->right)); } } void InsertFixup(std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>&& z) { auto zp = z->parent; while (zp && zp->color == Color::Red) { auto zpp = zp->parent; if (zp == zpp->left.get()) { auto y = zpp->right.get(); if (y && y->color == Color::Red) { zp->color = Color::Black; y->color = Color::Black; zpp->color = Color::Red; zp = zpp->parent; } else { if (z == zp->right) { LeftRotate(std::move(zpp->left)); zp = zpp->left.get(); } zp->color = Color::Black; zpp->color = Color::Red; auto zppp = zpp->parent; if (!zppp) { RightRotate(std::move(root)); } else if (zpp == zppp->left.get()) { RightRotate(std::move(zppp->left)); } else { RightRotate(std::move(zppp->right)); } } } else { auto y = zpp->left.get(); if (y && y->color == Color::Red) { zp->color = Color::Black; y->color = Color::Black; zpp->color = Color::Red; zp = zpp->parent; } else { if (z == zp->left) { RightRotate(std::move(zpp->right)); zp = zpp->right.get(); } zp->color = Color::Black; zpp->color = Color::Red; auto zppp = zpp->parent; if (!zppp) { LeftRotate(std::move(root)); } else if (zpp == zppp->left.get()) { LeftRotate(std::move(zppp->left)); } else { LeftRotate(std::move(zppp->right)); } } } } root->color = Color::Black; } Node<T>* Transplant(Node<T>* u, std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>&& v) { if (v) { v->parent = u->parent; } Node<T>* w = nullptr; if (!u->parent) { w = root.release(); root = std::move(v); } else if (u == u->parent->left.get()) { w = u->parent->left.release(); u->parent->left = std::move(v); } else { w = u->parent->right.release(); u->parent->right = std::move(v); } return w; } Node<T>* Minimum(Node<T>* x) { if (!x) { return x; } while (x->left) { x = x->left.get(); } return x; } void Delete(Node<T>* z) { if (!z) { return; } Color orig_color = z->color; Node<T>* x = nullptr; Node<T>* xp = nullptr; if (!z->left) { x = z->right.get(); xp = z->parent; auto pz = Transplant(z, std::move(z->right)); auto upz = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(pz); } else if (!z->right) { x = z->left.get(); xp = z->parent; auto pz = Transplant(z, std::move(z->left)); auto upz = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(pz); } else { auto y = Minimum(z->right.get()); orig_color = y->color; x = y->right.get(); xp = y; if (y->parent == z) { if (x) { x->parent = y; } auto pz = Transplant(z, std::move(z->right)); y->left = std::move(pz->left); y->left->parent = y; y->color = pz->color; auto upz = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(pz); } else { xp = y->parent; auto py = Transplant(y, std::move(y->right)); py->right = std::move(z->right); py->right->parent = py; auto upy = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(py); auto pz = Transplant(z, std::move(upy)); py->left = std::move(pz->left); py->left->parent = py; py->color = pz->color; auto upz = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(pz); } } if (orig_color == Color::Black) { DeleteFixup(x, xp); } } void DeleteFixup(Node<T>* x, Node<T>* xp) { while (x != root.get() && (!x || x->color == Color::Black)) { if (x == xp->left.get()) { Node<T>* w = xp->right.get(); if (w && w->color == Color::Red) { w->color = Color::Black; xp->color = Color::Red; auto xpp = xp->parent; if (!xpp) { LeftRotate(std::move(root)); } else if (xp == xpp->left.get()) { LeftRotate(std::move(xpp->left)); } else { LeftRotate(std::move(xpp->right)); } w = xp->right.get(); } if (w && (!w->left || w->left->color == Color::Black) && (!w->right || w->right->color == Color::Black)) { w->color = Color::Red; x = xp; xp = xp->parent; } else if (w) { if (!w->right || w->right->color == Color::Black) { w->left->color = Color::Black; w->color = Color::Red; auto wp = w->parent; if (!wp) { RightRotate(std::move(root)); } else if (w == wp->left.get()) { RightRotate(std::move(wp->left)); } else { RightRotate(std::move(wp->right)); } w = xp->right.get(); } w->color = xp->color; xp->color = Color::Black; w->right->color = Color::Black; auto xpp = xp->parent; if (!xpp) { LeftRotate(std::move(root)); } else if (xp == xpp->left.get()) { LeftRotate(std::move(xpp->left)); } else { LeftRotate(std::move(xpp->right)); } x = root.get(); } else { x = root.get(); } } else { Node<T>* w = xp->left.get(); if (w && w->color == Color::Red) { w->color = Color::Black; xp->color = Color::Red; auto xpp = xp->parent; if (!xpp) { RightRotate(std::move(root)); } else if (xp == xpp->left.get()) { RightRotate(std::move(xpp->left)); } else { RightRotate(std::move(xpp->right)); } w = xp->left.get(); } if (w && (!w->left || w->left->color == Color::Black) && (!w->right || w->right->color == Color::Black)) { w->color = Color::Red; x = xp; xp = xp->parent; } else if (w) { if (!w->left || w->left->color == Color::Black) { w->right->color = Color::Black; w->color = Color::Red; auto wp = w->parent; if (!wp) { LeftRotate(std::move(root)); } else if (w == wp->left.get()) { LeftRotate(std::move(wp->left)); } else { LeftRotate(std::move(wp->right)); } w = xp->left.get(); } w->color = xp->color; xp->color = Color::Black; w->left->color = Color::Black; auto xpp = xp->parent; if (!xpp) { RightRotate(std::move(root)); } else if (xp == xpp->left.get()) { RightRotate(std::move(xpp->left)); } else { RightRotate(std::move(xpp->right)); } x = root.get(); } else { x = root.get(); } } } if (x) { x->color = Color::Black; } } }; template <typename T> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Node<T>* node) { if (node) { os << node->left.get(); os << node->key; if (node->color == Color::Black) { os << "● "; } else { os << "○ "; } os << node->right.get(); } return os; } template <typename T> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RBTree<T>& tree) { os << tree.root.get(); return os; } int main() { constexpr size_t SIZE = 100; std::vector<int> v (SIZE); std::iota(v.begin(), v.end(), 1); std::shuffle(v.begin(), v.end(), gen); RBTree<int> rbtree; for (auto n : v) { rbtree.Insert(n); } std::cout << '\n'; std::cout << rbtree << '\n'; std::shuffle(v.begin(), v.end(), gen); for (auto n : v) { rbtree.Delete(n); std::cout << rbtree << '\n'; } } 上面的版本在Basic Edition上工作正常

在企业版实例上运行此命令时,出现以下错误 Invalid IAP Credentials: Expected JWT to have 3 parts separated by '.' but there are 2 parts

在这里,我需要有关如何成功进行此CDAP API调用的帮助。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

由于Cloud Data Fusion企业版的项目不同,因此您需要确保登录gcloud的帐户对Cloud Data Fusion实例具有正确的权限。您需要向服务帐户授予roles/datafusion.viewer



答案 1 :(得分:0)

我不确定是什么引起了问题。但是现在它绝对可以正常工作。 可能是权限问题/ GCP项目发生了一些变化。
