在身份验证后Lambda触发器中获取AWS Cognito身份验证的用户

时间:2020-07-15 03:55:42

标签: aws-lambda amazon-cognito aws-amplify aws-amplify-sdk-js

我正在将Amplify与Cognito后端一起使用来对我的用户进行身份验证,本质上是作为LDAP隐含的。所有这些都已配置,并且工作正常。在用户池中设置了用户,并对其进行了正确的身份验证。 (注意:我使用的是默认的Amplify控件,因此可以正常使用。)



exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) => {

    const Amplify = require('@aws-amplify/core')
    const Auth = require('@aws-amplify/auth')

    console.log("Amplify object: %o", Amplify)
    console.log("Auth object: %o", Auth)

        Auth: {
                identityPoolId: 'XXXX',
                region: event.region,
                userPoolId: event.userPoolId
    console.log("about to get current user");
    Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser().then(user => console.log(user));
    console.log("got current user and logged");


INFO    Amplify object: {
  [__esModule]: true,
  Amplify: [Function: Amplify] {
    [length]: 0,
    [name]: 'Amplify',
    [prototype]: Amplify { [constructor]: [Circular] },
    register: [Function] {
      [length]: 1,
      [name]: '',
      [prototype]: { [constructor]: [Circular] }
    configure: [Function] {
      [length]: 1,
      [name]: '',
      [prototype]: { [constructor]: [Circular] }
    addPluggable: [Function] {
      [length]: 1,
      [name]: '',
      [prototype]: { [constructor]: [Circular] }
    _components: [

INFO    Auth object: {
  [__esModule]: true,
  Auth: AuthClass {
    userPool: null,
    user: null,
    oAuthFlowInProgress: false,
    currentUserCredentials: [Function: bound ] { [length]: 0, [name]: 'bound ' },


ERROR   Invoke Error    
    "errorType": "TypeError",
    "errorMessage": "Amplify.configure is not a function",
    "stack": [
        "TypeError: Amplify.configure is not a function",
        "    at Runtime.exports.handler (/var/task/index.js:171:13)",
        "    at Runtime.handleOnce (/var/runtime/Runtime.js:66:25)"

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

根据this issue on github,Amplify无法在Node中使用,因为它是一个前端库。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

对此的答案是,我需要在package.json中使用aws lib。我已经包含了它,但是它不可用。 h!