
时间:2020-07-14 07:23:25

标签: r



#Time series
#This programme evaluates each vehicles speed behaviour w.r.t time. 


#Clear all variables in workspace

#Importing data
df <- read_csv("01_tracks.csv")

#Preparing data 
df1 <- filter(df,laneId == 5, width <= 6) #Filtering to only lane 5 and no trucks

#Creating empty lists
y <- data.frame()

#Loop to plot time series for only filtered vehicle id's
for(i in unique(df1$id)[1:6]) { #Only considering first 6 vehicles for now due to long computation time
  print(i) #List of vehicle id's
  veh <- filter(df1,id == i) #New dataframe for vehicles/id's which are in lanes 5
  timeseries <- ts(veh[,7],start = 1) #Declare as time series data
  plot(autoplot(timeseries) + ggtitle(i) + ylab("X Velocity")) #Plotting time series
  veh.velocity <- select(veh,xVelocity) #New dataframe for only vehicle id and its velocity 
  y <- cbind.data.frame(y,veh.velocity)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


df1 %>% 
  group_by(id) %>%
  mutate(time = 1:n()) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = time, y = xVelocity, color = as.factor(id))) +
  geom_line(show.legend = FALSE, alpha = 0.5)

enter image description here


result <- df1 %>% 
            group_by(id) %>%
            mutate(time = 1:n()) %>%
            dplyr::select(time, xVelocity) %>% 
            pivot_wider(id_cols = time, values_from = xVelocity,
                        names_prefix = "Veh.", names_from = id)
# A tibble: 414 x 287
    time Veh.1 Veh.3 Veh.7 Veh.11 Veh.12 Veh.14 Veh.15 Veh.25 Veh.31 Veh.47 Veh.50 Veh.53 Veh.55 Veh.59
   <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
 1     1  40.8  35.7  32.6   24.7   35.8   41.5   35.7   37.9   39.2   39.2   40.3   39.5   33.0   38.2
 2     2  40.9  35.7  32.6   24.8   35.8   41.5   35.7   37.9   39.2   39.2   40.3   39.5   33.0   38.2
 3     3  40.9  35.7  32.6   24.8   35.8   41.5   35.7   38.0   39.2   39.2   40.3   39.6   33.0   38.2
 4     4  40.9  35.7  32.6   24.8   35.8   41.5   35.7   38.0   39.2   39.2   40.3   39.6   33.1   38.2
 5     5  40.9  35.7  32.6   24.8   35.8   41.5   35.7   38.0   39.2   39.2   40.3   39.6   33.1   38.1
 6     6  40.9  35.7  32.6   24.9   35.8   41.6   35.7   38     39.2   39.2   40.4   39.6   33.1   38.1
 7     7  40.9  35.7  32.7   24.9   35.8   41.6   35.7   38.0   39.2   39.2   40.4   39.6   33.1   38.1
 8     8  40.9  35.7  32.7   24.9   35.8   41.6   35.7   38.0   39.2   39.3   40.4   39.6   33.1   38.1
 9     9  41.0  35.8  32.7   25.0   35.8   41.6   35.7   38.0   39.2   39.3   40.4   39.6   33.1   38.1
10    10  41.0  35.8  32.7   25     35.8   41.6   35.7   38.1   39.2   39.3   40.4   39.7   33.1   38.1
# … with 404 more rows, and 272 more variables: