
时间:2020-07-10 21:57:22

标签: foreach swiftui

说实话,我被困住了。我正在尝试制作类似于App Store的东西,其中有一个“今天”视图,其中包含当前日期的内容。在此之下,我希望显示最近的6天。我已经弄清楚了如何使新视图在过去一周的每一天都可以显示,只要过去一周是在同一个月。我无法弄清楚如何在新的月份到来时使用它,因为我的工作方式是使用当前日期,减去6天,然后得到这两天之间的范围。新的月份到来时它会中断,范围从看起来像12 ... 18变为30 ... 5,这会中断!话虽这么说,但要复杂得多。我要迭代的视图有3个输入-一年,一个月和一天。这是我一直在使用范围进行迭代的日子。这是我的代码:

// HomeView //

struct HomeView: View{
    let future = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: DateComponents(day: 25), to: Date())!
    let aWeekAgo = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: DateComponents(day: -6), to: Calendar.current.date(byAdding: DateComponents(day: 28), to: Date())!)!
    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
            VStack(spacing: 40) {
                ForEach((dayRange).reversed(), id: \.self) { i in
                    CardView(day: yearData[0].months[0].dayInfo[i])
            }.padding(.bottom, 40)

// HomeView扩展//

extension HomeView {
    var dayRange: Range<Int> {
        let day = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.day, .month, .year], from: future)
        let dayAWeekago = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.day, .month, .year], from: aWeekAgo)
        return ((dayAWeekago.day! - 1)..<day.day!)
    var monthRange: ClosedRange<Int> {
        let month = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.month], from: future)
        let monthAWeekAgo = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.month], from: aWeekAgo)
        return ((monthAWeekAgo.month! - 7)...(month.month! - 7))

// CardView //

struct CardView: View {
    var day: YearModel.MonthModel.DayModel
    @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme
    var body: some View {
            .frame(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width - 40, height: UIScreen.main.bounds.height * 0.6, alignment: .top)
            .border(Color(.sRGB, red: 150/255, green: 150/255, blue: 150/255, opacity: 0.1), width: 1)
                VStack {
                    .frame(minHeight: 50, maxHeight: 100)
                        HStack {
                            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                                Text("\(day.date) - DAY \(day.id)")
                                    .fixedSize(horizontal: false, vertical: true)

            .shadow(color: Color.black.opacity(colorScheme == .dark ? 0 : 0.3), radius: 15, y: 20)

// YearModel.swift //

struct YearModel: Codable {
    let year: Int
    let months: [MonthModel]
    struct MonthModel: Codable {
        let monthName: String
        let dayInfo: [DayModel]
        struct DayModel: Codable {
            let whatILove: String
            let imageName: String
            let date: String
            let paragraph: String
            let id: Int

// JSON解码文件//

let yearData: [YearModel] = load("Data.json")

func load<T: Decodable>(_ filename: String) -> T {
    let data: Data
    guard let file = Bundle.main.url(forResource: filename, withExtension: nil)
        else {
            fatalError("Couldn't find \(filename) in main bundle.")
    do {
        data = try Data(contentsOf: file)
    } catch {
        fatalError("Couldn't load \(filename) from main bundle:\n\(error)")
    do {
        let decoder = JSONDecoder()
        return try decoder.decode(T.self, from: data)
    } catch {
        fatalError("Couldn't parse \(filename) as \(T.self):\n\(error)")


        "year": 2020,
        "months": [
                "monthName": "July",
                "dayInfo": [
                        "whatILove": "I Love You",
                        "imageName": "image1",
                        "date": "07/22/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 1
                        "whatILove": " I Love Your Laugh",
                        "imageName": "image2",
                        "date": "07/23/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 2
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your Smile",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "07/24/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 3
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your Kindness",
                        "imageName": "image4",
                        "date": "07/25/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 4
                        "whatILove": " I Love Your Nose",
                        "imageName": "image5",
                        "date": "07/26/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 5
                        "whatILove": "I Love Who You Are",
                        "imageName": "image6",
                        "date": "07/27/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 6
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your Freckles",
                        "imageName": "image7",
                        "date": "07/28/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 7
                        "whatILove": "I Love That You Are Trustworthy",
                        "imageName": "image8",
                        "date": "07/29/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 8
                        "whatILove": " I Love Your Ears",
                        "imageName": "image9",
                        "date": "07/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 9
                        "whatILove": "Happy 2 Years!",
                        "imageName": "image10",
                        "date": "07/31/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 10
                "monthName": "August",
                "dayInfo": [
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your Music",
                        "imageName": "image11",
                        "date": "08/01/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 11
                        "whatILove": "I Love That You Are Trustworthy",
                        "imageName": "image12",
                        "date": "08/02/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 12
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your Kisses",
                        "imageName": "image13",
                        "date": "08/03/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 13
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image14",
                        "date": "08/04/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 14
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image15",
                        "date": "08/05/2020",
                        "paragraph": "",
                        "id": 15
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image16",
                        "date": "08/06/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 16
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image17",
                        "date": "08/07/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 17
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image18",
                        "date": "08/08/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 18
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image19",
                        "date": "08/09/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 19
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image20",
                        "date": "08/10/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 20
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image6",
                        "date": "08/11/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 21
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image6",
                        "date": "08/12/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 22
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image6",
                        "date": "08/13/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 23
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image6",
                        "date": "08/14/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 24
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image6",
                        "date": "08/15/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 25
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image6",
                        "date": "08/16/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 26
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image6",
                        "date": "08/17/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 27
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image6",
                        "date": "08/18/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 28
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image4",
                        "date": "08/19/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 29
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image2",
                        "date": "08/20/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 30
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/21/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 31
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/22/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 32
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/23/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 33
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/24/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 34
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/25/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 35
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/26/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 36
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/27/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 37
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/28/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 38
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/29/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 39
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/31/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 41
                "monthName": "September",
                "dayInfo": [
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 42
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 40
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your...",
                        "imageName": "image3",
                        "date": "08/30/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 71
        "year": 2021,
        "months": [
                "monthName": "January",
                "dayInfo": [
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your Smile",
                        "imageName": "image1",
                        "date": "01/01/2021",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 1
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your Laugh",
                        "imageName": "image2",
                        "date": "01/02/2021",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 2
                "monthName": "February",
                "dayInfo": [
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your Music",
                        "imageName": "image4",
                        "date": "08/01/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 11
                        "whatILove": "I Love Your Kiss",
                        "imageName": "image6",
                        "date": "08/02/2020",
                        "paragraph": "...",
                        "id": 12


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



/// Calculates Dates for the last n days, starting with the previous day.
func lastNDays(n: Int) -> [Date]? {
        guard n > 0 else { return nil }
        var result = [Date]()
        for i in 1...n {
            guard let ithPreviousDay = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: DateComponents(day: -i), to: Date()) else { 
                return nil 
        return result

var lastSixDaysAsDateComponents: [DateComponents] {
    guard let lastSixDays = lastNDays(n: 6) else { return [] }
    return lastSixDays.map{ day in 
        Calendar.current.dateComponents([.day, .month, .year], from: day) 


ForEach(self.lastSixDaysAsDateComponents, id: \.self) { dateComp in
    CardViewday: yearData[dateComp.year!].months[dateComp.month!].dayInfo[dateComp.day!])