这里的想法很简单。我已经编写了一个代码来显示自适应卡(使用命令-new SendActivity(“ $ {AdaptiveCard()}”)),询问用户名和电子邮件。用户提交这些输入后,我只想检索这些输入以用于将来的实现,但我无法这样做。
在这里,可以找到堆栈溢出帖子How to retrieve user entered input in adaptive card to the c# code and how to call next intent on submit button click-关于如何将用户在自适应卡中输入的输入检索到C#代码以及如何在提交按钮单击上调用下一个意图 。但是,如果您检查了答案,则用户说它是用于瀑布对话框的,则代码可能是相似的,但是我无法将其转换为Adaptive Dialogs实现。
还有另一个参考,可能有用。 https://blog.botframework.com/2019/07/02/using-adaptive-cards-with-the-microsoft-bot-framework/。尽管本教程显示了如何使用瀑布对话框实现自适应卡,但是代码可能看起来相似。更具体地说,本教程中检索用户输入的实现如下所示。至关重要的是要注意,此实现使用turnContext.Activity.Text从自适应卡访问用户响应,但是如何在自适应对话框中访问这样的变量 turnContext ?
var txt = turnContext.Activity.Text;
dynamic val = turnContext.Activity.Value;
// Check if the activity came from a submit action
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt) && val != null)
// Retrieve the data from the id_number field
var num = double.Parse(val.id_number);
// . . .
在这里,我们可以从Adaptive Dialog实现中看到我的RootDialog类的代码。如上例所示,在我的代码中哪里可以检索用户信息?
public class RootDialog : ComponentDialog
private readonly IConfiguration configuration;
public RootDialog(IConfiguration configuration)
: base(nameof(RootDialog))
this.configuration = configuration;
string[] paths = { ".", "Dialogs", $"{nameof(RootDialog)}.lg" };
string fullPath = Path.Combine(paths);
// Create instance of adaptive dialog.
var rootDialog = new AdaptiveDialog(nameof(AdaptiveDialog))
// These steps are executed when this Adaptive Dialog begins
Triggers = new List<OnCondition>()
// Add a rule to welcome user
new OnConversationUpdateActivity()
Actions = WelcomeUserSteps()
// Respond to user on message activity
new OnUnknownIntent()
Actions = OnBeginDialogSteps()
Generator = new TemplateEngineLanguageGenerator(Templates.ParseFile(fullPath))
// Add named dialogs to the DialogSet. These names are saved in the dialog state.
// The initial child Dialog to run.
InitialDialogId = nameof(AdaptiveDialog);
private static List<Dialog> WelcomeUserSteps()
return new List<Dialog>()
// Iterate through membersAdded list and greet user added to the conversation.
new Foreach()
ItemsProperty = "turn.activity.membersAdded",
Actions = new List<Dialog>()
// Note: Some channels send two conversation update events - one for the Bot added to the conversation and another for user.
// Filter cases where the bot itself is the recipient of the message.
new IfCondition()
Condition = "$foreach.value.name != turn.activity.recipient.name",
Actions = new List<Dialog>()
new SendActivity("Hi there, I'm here to help you!")
private static List<Dialog> OnBeginDialogSteps()
return new List<Dialog>()
new SendActivity("${AdaptiveCard()}"),