<__ main __。Find_Adj_node对象位于0x0DE643E8>,在def函数下调用的类

时间:2020-07-01 05:12:18

标签: python pandas numpy

我有以下代码,其中定义了类和def。 在这里,我们正在读取一个文件,其中包含开始节点,结束节点以及两个节点之间的距离。

示例: 1 3 100 2 4 200 ..so on ..

  import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    # STEP 1: Get the inout options to choose between shortest path and all configuration
    path_type = int(input("Choose the option1 or option2 "))
    if path_type == 1:
        st_nd = int(input("Enter the start node: "))
        ed_nd = int(input("Enter the end node: "))
    # STEP 2: Import the data file
    def import_data():
        global data_points_df  # Data_points
        global data_points_max  # NN
        global Dist  # Dist
        global data_points_arr  # NData_points
        # Read the data as data frame
        data_points_df = pd.read_csv('./Exercises/dp.txt', delimiter="\t")
        data_points_arr = np.array(data_points_df)
        data_points_max = np.max(data_points_arr[:, 0:2])
    def Find_Adjacent_Nodes():
        global K
        global data_points_max  # NN
        K = np.array([])  # Empty Array
        for i in range(data_points_max + 1):
            result = np.where(data_points_arr[:, 0:2] == i)
            print(i, result)
            temp = data_points_arr[result[0], (result[1] + 1) % 2]
            dst = data_points_arr[result[0], (result[1]) % 1 + 2]
            print(Find_Adj_node(temp, dst))
            K = np.append(K, Find_Adj_node(temp, dst))
        return K
    class Find_Adj_node:
        Adj_nod = []
        Nod_dist = []
        def __init__(self, M, N):
            self.Adj_nod = M
            self.Nod_dist = N
    if path_type == 1:


when I run the command I see the following message.

    9 (array([5, 7], dtype=int32), array([1, 1], dtype=int32))
    [7 6]
    [ 200 2000]
    <__main__.Find_Adj_node object at 0x0DE643E8>

我想检查K中的内容以及它的分配方式。从逻辑上讲,我知道它具有[7,6]和相应的距离值[200 2000]。问题是如何打印并查看。


BR, SemiCode

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