
时间:2020-06-30 15:15:23

标签: lazy-loading production-environment angular9

我有一个图书馆项目,其中有一个模块和几个组件。在我的实际应用程序中,我想动态地加载库模块并渲染组件。一切在开发模式下都可以正常工作,但是当我在生产模式下运行应用程序时,总是从工厂(使用moduleFactory.componentFactories)获取空的组件数组。下面是我的代码。谁能帮我这个忙。我正在使用Angular 9.1.0。

 _xn =  (center.x() + std::cos(angle) * xn - std::sin(angle) * yn);
 _yn = (center.y() + std::sin(angle) * xn + std::cos(angle) * yn);

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import { Injectable, Compiler, Injector, ComponentFactory, ComponentFactoryResolver } from '@angular/core';
import { ReplaySubject } from 'rxjs';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class LazyLoaderService {
  private modules: Map<string, ReplaySubject<any>> = new Map();
  private componentRegistry: any[] = [
    { type: "textbox", className: "ApptorCorecompsWrapperComponent", moduleName: "ApptorCorecompsModule" }
  constructor(private compiler: Compiler, private injector: Injector,
    private factoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) {


  public async getComponentFactory(componentType: string): Promise<ComponentFactory<any>> {
    const compInfo = this.componentRegistry.find(c => c.type === componentType);
    if (!compInfo)
      throw new Error("Invalid component type:" + componentType);

    let modSubject = this.modules.get(compInfo.moduleName);
    if (!modSubject) {
      modSubject = this.loadModule(compInfo.moduleName);
    let ret: Promise<ComponentFactory<any>> = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      modSubject.subscribe(async (moduleRef) => {
        //await this.compileModule(mod);
        const compType = moduleRef.instance.controls[compInfo.className];
        if (compType) {
          let componentFactory = moduleRef.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(compType);
          // let componentFactory =  this.factoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(compType);

        } else {
          console.error("Component :" + compInfo.className + " not found");

    return ret;


  public loadModule(moduleName): ReplaySubject<any> {
    //let mod:any = null;
    let mod: ReplaySubject<any> = new ReplaySubject();

    switch (moduleName) {
      case 'ApptorCorecompsModule':
        import('@apptor/corecomps').then(async m => {
          let mm = m[moduleName]
          mm = await this.compileModule(mm);
          //return mm; 
    if (mod) {
      this.modules.set(moduleName, mod);
      return mod;
    else {
      console.error("Failed to load module: " + moduleName);
      throw new Error("Failed to load module: " + moduleName);
  private async compileModule(module: any) {
    let ret: Promise<any> = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.compiler.compileModuleAsync(module).then(factory => {

        const moduleRef = factory.create(this.injector);
    return ret;