在Outlook 2007 C#中获取安全发件人列表

时间:2011-06-06 09:44:52

标签: c# outlook add-in sender

我在C#.NET 4.0中创建了一个Outlook 2007加载项。


        if (oBoxItem is Outlook.MailItem)
            Outlook.MailItem miEmail = (Outlook.MailItem)oBoxItem;
            OlDefaultFolders f = Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderContacts;

            if (miEmail != null)
                string body = miEmail.Body;
                double score = spamFilterObject.CalculateSpamScore(body);

                if (score <= 0.9)



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\[PROFILE NAME]\0a0d020000000000c000000000000046\001f0418


映射到此注册表项的MAPI属性是 PR_SPAM_TRUSTED_SENDERS_W,记录在案here

答案 1 :(得分:0)




const string valueNameBlocked = "001f0426";
const string valueNameSafe = "001f0418";

// Note: I'm using Office 2013 (15.0) and my profile name is "Outlook"
// You may need to replace the 15.0 or the "Outlook" at the end of your string as needed.
string keyPath = @"Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Profiles\Outlook";

string subKey = null;
var emptyBytes = new byte[] { };
var semi = new[] { ';' };
string blocked = null, safe = null;

// I found that my subkey under the profile was not the same on different machines,
// so I wrote this block to look for it.
using (var key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(keyPath))
    var match =
        // Get the subkeys and all of their value names
        key.GetSubKeyNames().SelectMany(sk =>
            using (var subkey = key.OpenSubKey(sk))
                return subkey.GetValueNames().Select(valueName => new { subkey = sk, valueName });
        // But only the one that matches Blocked Senders
        .FirstOrDefault(sk => valueNameBlocked == sk.valueName);

    // If we got one, get the data from the values
    if (match != null)
        // Simultaneously setting subKey string for later while opening the registry key
        using (var subkey = key.OpenSubKey(subKey = match.subkey))
            blocked = Encoding.Unicode.GetString((byte[])subkey.GetValue(valueNameBlocked, emptyBytes));
            safe = Encoding.Unicode.GetString((byte[])subkey.GetValue(valueNameSafe, emptyBytes));

// Remove empty items and the null-terminator (sometimes there is one, but not always)
Func<string, List<string>> cleanList = s => s.Split(semi, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Where(e => e != "\0").ToList();

// Convert strings to lists (dictionaries might be preferred)
var blockedList = cleanList(blocked).Dump("Blocked Senders");
var safeList = cleanList(safe).Dump("Safe Senders");

byte[] bytes;

// To convert a modified list back to a string for saving:
blocked = string.Join(";", blockedList) + ";\0";
bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(blocked);
// Write to the registry
using (var key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(keyPath + '\\' + subKey, true))
    key.SetValue(valueNameBlocked, bytes, RegistryValueKind.Binary);

// In LINQPad, this is what I used to view my binary data
string.Join("", bytes.Select(b => b.ToString("x2"))).Dump("Blocked Senders: binary data");
safe = string.Join(";", safeList) + ";\0"; bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(safe);
string.Join("", bytes.Select(b => b.ToString("x2"))).Dump("Safe Senders: binary data");

答案 2 :(得分:0)

PST和IMAP4(ost)存储将列表保留在注册表的配置文件部分中。配置文件部分guid为 var img = new Image(); var mapCanvas = document.querySelector('.mapboxgl-canvas'); img.src = mapCanvas.toDataURL(); window.document.body.appendChild(img); 。要直接访问数据,您需要知道Outlook版本和配置文件名称。

Exchange存储将此数据保留为服务器端规则的一部分,该规则处理服务器端的传入消息。您可以在OutlookSpy中查看规则数据 - 转到收件箱文件夹,“关联内容”选项卡,找到名为(PR_RuleMsgName)==“垃圾邮件规则”的条目,双击它,看一看在PR_EXTENDED_RULE_CONDITION属性。

