
时间:2020-06-19 21:04:59

标签: python pandas


              TableIndex  MatchID  GameWeek           Player  ...      ShotPosition    ShotSide      Close             Position
ShotsDetailID                                                 ...                                                              
6                      5    46605         1  Roberto Firmino  ...  very close range         N/A      close  very close rangeN/A
8                      7    46605         1  Roberto Firmino  ...           the box  the centre  not close    the boxthe centre
10                     9    46605         1  Roberto Firmino  ...           the box    the left  not close      the boxthe left
17                    16    46605         1  Roberto Firmino  ...           the box  the centre      close    the boxthe centre
447                  446    46623         2  Roberto Firmino  ...           the box  the centre      close    the boxthe centre
...                  ...      ...       ...              ...  ...               ...         ...        ...                  ...
6656                6662    46870        27  Roberto Firmino  ...  very close range         N/A      close  very close rangeN/A
6666                6672    46870        27  Roberto Firmino  ...           the box   the right  not close     the boxthe right
6674                6680    46870        27  Roberto Firmino  ...           the box  the centre  not close    the boxthe centre
6676                6682    46870        27  Roberto Firmino  ...           the box    the left  not close      the boxthe left
6679                6685    46870        27  Roberto Firmino  ...   outside the box         N/A  not close   outside the boxN/A


positions = ['a difficult anglethe left',
             'a difficult anglethe right',
             'long rangeN/A',
             'long rangethe centre',
             'long rangethe left',
             'long rangethe right',
             'outside the boxN/A',
             'the boxthe centre',
             'the boxthe left',
             'the boxthe right',
             'the six yard boxthe left',
             'the six yard boxthe right',
             'very close rangeN/A']

现在,我将以下x / y值映射到每个“位置”名称,并将该值存储在新的“位置XY”列下:

    the_boxthe_center = {'y':random.randrange(25,45), 'x':random.randrange(0,6)}
    the_boxthe_left = {'y':random.randrange(41,54), 'x':random.randrange(0,16)}
    the_boxthe_right = {'y':random.randrange(14,22), 'x':random.randrange(0,16)}
    very_close_rangeNA = {'y':random.randrange(25,43), 'x':random.randrange(0,4)}
    six_yard_boxthe_left = {'y':random.randrange(33,43), 'x':random.randrange(4,6)}
    six_yard_boxthe_right = {'y':random.randrange(25,33), 'x':random.randrange(4,6)}
    a_diffcult_anglethe_left = {'y':random.randrange(43,54), 'x':random.randrange(0,6)}
    a_diffcult_anglethe_right = {'y':random.randrange(14,25), 'x':random.randrange(0,6)}
    penaltyNA = {'y':random.randrange(36), 'x':random.randrange(8)}
    outside_the_boxNA = {'y':random.randrange(14,54), 'x':random.randrange(16,28)}
    long_rangeNA = {'y':random.randrange(0,68), 'x':random.randrange(40,52)}
    long_rangethe_centre = {'y':random.randrange(0,68), 'x':random.randrange(28,40)}
    long_rangethe_right = {'y':random.randrange(0,14), 'x':random.randrange(0,24)}
    long_rangethe_left = {'y':random.randrange(54,68), 'x':random.randrange(0,24)}


if df_shots['Position']=='very close rangeN/A':
        df_shots['Position X/Y']==very_close_rangeNA
...# and so on


ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


data_dict = 
{'the boxthe centre': {'y':random.randrange(25,45)...}

df['Position'] = df['Position'].map(data_dict)

6        {'y': 35, 'x': 2}
8        {'y': 32, 'x': 1}
10      {'y': 44, 'x': 11}
17       {'y': 32, 'x': 1}
447      {'y': 32, 'x': 1}
...                    NaN
6656     {'y': 35, 'x': 2}
6666    {'y': 15, 'x': 11}
6674     {'y': 32, 'x': 1}
6676    {'y': 44, 'x': 11}
6679    {'y': 37, 'x': 16}
Name: Position, dtype: object

答案 1 :(得分:0)




以及对应的position_xy = [the_boxthe_center,the_boxthe_left,....,long_rangethe_left] #and so on... 列表(如您所愿) 那么我建议你做一个字典,以便每个位置都进行对应的位置xy计算



dict_positionxy = dict(zip(position, position_xy))


 df_shots['Position X/Y'] = 0.


答案 2 :(得分:0)


应该注意的是,由于您预先计算了positions_xy的随机值,因此每个射击位置的所有x / y值都相同。这可能不是您想要的。

import pandas as pd
import random

# Sample df_shots
df_shots = pd.DataFrame({'Position': ['the_boxthe_center', 'the_boxthe_left']})

# Store position/xy pairs in dict
positions_xy = {'the_boxthe_center': {'y': random.randrange(25, 45), 'x': random.randrange(0, 6)},
                'the_boxthe_left': {'y': random.randrange(41, 54), 'x': random.randrange(0, 16)}}

# Create new column
df_shots['Position XY'] = ''

# Iterate over all position/xy pairs
for position, xy in positions_xy.items():
    # Determine indices of all players that match
    matches = df_shots['Position'] == position
    matches_indices = matches[matches].index
    # Update matching rows in df_shots with xy
    for idx in matches_indices:
        df_shots.at[idx, 'Position XY'] = xy



            Position        Position XY
0  the_boxthe_center  {'y': 36, 'x': 2}
1    the_boxthe_left  {'y': 44, 'x': 0}