我们制定了站点恢复计划,以对3个Azure Windows Server VM进行故障转移。已经添加了其中两个VM,并进行了测试,没有问题。当启用复制时,第三个VM在“安装Mobility Service和准备目标”步骤上失败。
Error ID
Error Message
Parsing the extension configuration failed.
Possible causes
The operation failed due to incorrect permissions.
Ensure that permissions are set to 'Everyone(R,W) and BUILTIN\Administrator(F)' for machine keys.
To get the value of machinekeys permissions run: 'icacls <systemdrive>\programdata\microsoft\crypto\rsa\machinekeys' in an elevated command prompt.
Default permissions are:
If you see permissions on MachineKeys directory different than default, please follow below steps to correct permissions, delete the certificate and attempt the operation again.
Fix permissions on MachineKeys directory.
Using Explorer Security Properties and Advanced Security Settings on the directory, reset permissions back to the default values, remove any extra (than default) user object from the directory, and ensure that the ‘Everyone’ permissions had special access for:
-List folder / read data
-Read attributes
-Read extended attributes
-Create files / write data
-Create folders / append data
-Write attributes
-Write extended attributes
-Read permissions
Delete all certificates with field ‘Issued To’ = "Windows Azure Service Management for Extensions" or "Windows Azure CRP Certificate Generator”.
Open Certificates(Local computer) console
Delete all certificates (under Personal -> Certificates) with field ‘Issued To’ = "Windows Azure Service Management for Extensions" or "Windows Azure CRP Certificate Generator”.
For Linux:
Make sure that the base64 and openssl commands are executing without error.
First Seen At
6/18/2020, 9:13:51 PM
Error ID
Error Message
The requested action couldn't be performed by the 'A2A' Replication Provider.
Possible causes
The Provider action failed. Check other errors for more information.
Resolve the issue and retry the operation.
First Seen At
6/18/2020, 9:13:51 PM