和条件不起作用-新手问题tradingview pinescript

时间:2020-06-12 14:07:05

标签: pine-script


study(title="example", overlay=false)

stochK = sma(stoch(close, high, low, 14), 3)
stochD = sma(stochK, 3)

crossBelow = crossunder(stochK, stochD) 
crossAbove = crossover(stochD, stochK) 

plot(series=stochK, color=color.orange)
plot(series=stochD, color=color.teal)

plotshape(series=crossunder(stochK, stochD), style=shape.flag , color=color.red, location=location.abovebar, transp=0)
plotshape(series=crossunder(stochD, stochK), style=shape.flag, color=color.green, location=location.belowbar, transp=0)

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crossBelow = crossunder(stochK, stochD) and min(stochK, stochD) > 80
crossAbove = crossover(stochD, stochK) and max(stochK, stochD) < 20

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