
时间:2020-06-09 05:24:20

标签: python tkinter multidimensional-array attributeerror nonetype

我对编码还很陌生,所以这可能很简单。我在代码中一直停留在此错误上一段时间。我复制了我认为很重要的代码。当我调用highlightSide函数时会出现问题,因为它会检查squares [i] [j] .contains(x,y)。我认为,既然它说的是'NoneType'对象,那么这将意味着在2d数组中创建正方形存在问题,但是我不确定。如果这是问题所在,那么我应该尝试解决各种可能的解决方案,但又会导致错误以不同的方式传达,我该如何解决呢?

def highlightSide(x, y):

    rows = len(squares)
    cols = len(squares[0])
    for i in range(rows):
        for j in range(cols):
            if squares[i][j].contains(x, y):
                side = squares[i][j].highlightSide(x,y)

def newGame():
    #random chance of who starts the new game
    playersTurn = random.randint(0, 1) > 0

    #set up the squares
    squares = np.empty((GAME_SIZE, GAME_SIZE), dtype=object)
    for i in range(GAME_SIZE):
        for j in range(GAME_SIZE):
            squares[i][j] = (createSquare(w, dotX(j), dotY(i), BOX))

#Create square from rectangle

class createSquare:

    def __init__(self, canvas,x,y,length):
        self.canvas = canvas
        self.length = length
        self.length = height
        self.bot = y + length
        self.left = x
        self.right = x + length
        self.top = y
        self.highlight = None
        self.NumSelected = 0
        self.owner = None
        #look into to make sure it work

    #to see if in the range of the square
    def contains(self, x, y):
        if y>self.bot and x < self.right and y <= self.top and y >= self.left:
            return True
            return False

def highlightSide(self, x, y):
    #calcualte the distance to each side
    dBot = self.bot - y
    dLeft = x - self.left
    dRight = self.right - x
    dTop = y - self.top

    #find which of them is the closest
    dClosest = min(dBot, dLeft, dRight, dTop)

    #make sure the color changes to highlighted color for closest if doesn't already have line
    if dClosest == dBot and not self.sideBot.selected:
        self.highlight = constants.BOT
    elif dClosest == dLeft and not self.sideLeft.selected:
        self.highlight = constants.LEFT
    elif dClosest == dRight and not self.sideRight.selected:
        self.highlight = constants.RIGHT
    elif dClosest == dTop and not self.sideTop.selected:
        self.highlight = constants.Top

    #return the highlight
    return self.highlight

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