只需遵循在线教程(http://amunategui.github.io/aws-beanstalk/)即可创建一个简单的Hello World Python应用程序并将其上传到AWS Elastic Beanstalk上。
我遵循了所有步骤。运行eb create
2020-06-08 06:52:30 INFO Created CloudWatch alarm named: awseb-e-gnqy9jbs4g-stack-AWSEBCloudwatchAlarmHigh-1FOX4Q2UOT7A4
2020-06-08 06:52:30 INFO Created CloudWatch alarm named: awseb-e-gnqy9jbs4g-stack-AWSEBCloudwatchAlarmLow-DJZBR1IJKDMY
2020-06-08 06:52:36 ERROR [Instance: i-0ba7decf4ea86eedc] Command failed on instance. An unexpected error has occurred [ErrorCode: 0000000001].
2020-06-08 06:52:36 INFO Command execution completed on all instances. Summary: [Successful: 0, Failed: 1].
2020-06-08 06:53:39 ERROR Create environment operation is complete, but with errors. For more information, see troubleshooting documentation.
ERROR: ServiceError - Create environment operation is complete, but with errors. For more information, see troubleshooting documentation.
现在,应用程序显示为“严重”。轻按Elastic Beanstalk URL只会给我一个HTTP 503错误。