
时间:2020-06-07 06:12:45

标签: assembly x86 twos-complement irvine32


INCLUDE Irvine32.inc

   var1 db "A",0
   var2 db "error",0

   char1 db ?

main PROC

    mov  edx, OFFSET var1    ; get starting address of string

    mov  al, BYTE PTR [edx]  ; get next character
    inc  edx                 ; increment pointer
    test al, al              ; test value in AL and set flags
    jz   Finished            ; AL == 0, so exit the loop

    ; Otherwise, AL != 0, so we fell through.
    ; Here, you can do something with the character in AL.
    ; ...

    cmp al, 30h               ; compare it with 30H - ASCII CODE OF 0
    jb  error                 ; if charater is below 30H - then error

    cmp al, 39H               ; compare it with 39H - ASCII code of 9
    ja  Big                   ; if charater is above 30H 
                              ; check for A-F
    jmp comp                  ; otherwise, go for Conversion of ASCII code
    cmp al, 41H               ; compare al with 41H - ASCII code of A
    jb  error                 ; if code is below 41h, then error

    cmp al, 46H               ; compare al with 46H - ASCII code of F
    ja Small                  ; if code is above 46h, check for A-F

    jmp comp                  ; otherwise, go for Conversion of ASCII code
                              ; to numric value 
    cmp al, 61H               ; compare al with 46H - ASCII code of a
    jb  error                 ; if code is below 61H, then error

    cmp al, 66H               ; compare al with 46H - ASCII code of f
    ja error                  ; if code is above 66h, then error

    sub al, 30H               ; subtract 30H - numeric code
    cmp al, 09H               ; compare if al is in range of 0-9
    jbe next                  ; then jump to next to store back to Hex Array

    sub al, 07H               ; otherwise, for A-F, 7H has to be subtracted
    cmp al, 0FH               ; compare the value is in range of A-F

    jbe  next                 ; then jump to next to store back to Hex Array
    sub al, 20H               ; otherwise for a-f, subtract additional 20H
    not al                    ; get 1's complement 
    add al, 00000001b         ; add 1 to get 2't complement

    mov char1, al
    jmp L1

    mov edx, OFFSET var2      ; display error massage
    call writestring

    mov edx, OFFSET char1
     call writestring

main ENDP

END main

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

此代码正确地将“ A”转换为0xF6,即-10,即0x0A的两个补码。

