我正在尝试使用GatsbyJS createPages API以编程方式创建页面。我目前正在尝试使用gatsby-source-graphql
从WordPress查询数据,根据GraphiQL我成功地做到了。我遵循了在GatsbyJS createPages API示例中找到的示例,但是只要我的程序进入“ .forEach”函数,我都会不断遇到此错误。
TypeError: Cannot read property 'pages' of undefined
const path = require(`path`)
exports.createPages = ({ graphql, actions }) => {
const { createPage } = actions
const pageTemplate = path.resolve(`src/templates/page-template.js`)
// Query for markdown nodes to use in creating pages.
// You can query for whatever data you want to create pages for e.g.
// products, portfolio items, landing pages, etc.
// Variables can be added as the second function parameter
return graphql(`
query MyQuery {
wpgraphql {
pages {
edges {
node {
`, { limit: 1000 }).then(result => {
if (result.errors) {
throw result.errors
// Create pages.
result.wpgraphql.pages.edges.forEach(edge => {
// Path for this page — required
path: `${wpgraphql.edges.node.slug}`,
component: pageTemplate,
context: {
// Add optional context data to be inserted
// as props into the page component..
// The context data can also be used as
// arguments to the page GraphQL query.
// The page "path" is always available as a GraphQL
// argument.